Bucky x Reader #48

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(Reader is Bucky's caretaker post HYDRA)

Tony is somewhere else, trying to help Natasha finding Bruce. When Cap and Sam brings back Sergeant James Barnes, aka Bucky or the world would know him as Winter Soldier, you help him fix his metal arm.

At first, he's a little hostile, but when he knows that you mean no harm, he let you fix his arm. Bucky wouldn't wanna talk to anyone but you.

"Try ask him about Hydra", says Nick Fury.

"Sir, with all due respect, he went through hell. He needs time to recover before he can speak", you say.

Days after days that turns to weeks, you stay by him, tending to his arms and help him back to society.

"What is that?", he asks, looking at your tablet.

"This is an iPad. Kinda like a computer, but it's portable and small. You can take it anywhere", you explain. You help him understand the gadgets and modern society.

Slowly, Bucky opens up to Steve and the rest. You're happy to seem him returning back to his old self.

One day, you and him are out, drinking milkshakes when suddenly, the crowd outside are running away. You peek to see Brock Rumlow and a small army of Hydra soldier are attacking the city. Afraid that they'll take him away again, you call Cap and sneak Bucky out through the back.

"Where are we going?", he asks as you hold his arm and runs.

"Outta here. I'm not letting them take you", you say as you keep running, but then you're ambushed by Brock.

"I knew I can find you", he says.

"Don't you dare, Brock", you say, pulling out your gun and aim. "Bucky, run", you say.

"I'm not leaving you!", he says.

"You have to!", you say, without taking your eyes off Rumlow.

"Enough talk", Rumlow pulls out his gun, but before he could shoot, Cap's shield knocks him down from behind.

You grab Bucky and run. You see Sam and Scott Lang are helping out to fight alongside the rest of the Avengers. You manage to reach the Avengers Tower safely with Bucky.

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