Sebastian x Reader #46***

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(Reader is frustrated hunting jobs and Sebastian helps. WARNING SMUT)

You just roll in your bed. "I hate job hunting", you say. Then, you feel the sudden weight shift on the bed.

"You still have one more job interview" Sebastian whispers as he hugs you and kisses your neck.

"What?", you ask.

"Being my wife", he says.

"I thought we did that last year", you say and he keeps on biting and licking your neck. "Is that all I am to you, Mr. Stan?", you ask. He flips you over and kisses you hard.

"I told you, you don't have to work. Just stay home and be my wife and mother to my children", he says as he kisses you from your neck to your breasts, taking his time to suck each breast.

You moan as loud as you can while gripping his shirt. Sebastian takes it off and you leave your marks on his shoulder blades as he continues to suck.

"Sebastian, I'm close...", you say. He takes off your pants and underwear before thrusting in hard. He let you come first before he does and collapses next to you.

"See? How fun is that?", he says.

You roll your eyes and cuddle with him before falling asleep.

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