Sebastian x Reader #11

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*inspired by a drama I watched about a father abusing his own daughter, physically, sexually and mentally. ugh*

"You can't do this! That is my child she's carrying!", you heard Sebastian yelled at your foster dad.

"You're not (y/n)'s father and therefore, you have no rights over her!", your foster dad yelled back.

"But she's having my baby! I have rights over my own child!", Sebastian yelled again. He hated how your foster dad sudden interest. Your foster dad neglected you before and even after your foster mum died. Why should he care?

"But you're not her husband. I can say it was another man's and be done with it", said your foster dad. "Now leave or I'll call the cops", said your foster dad before slamming the front door.

Sebastian turned to your room and he knew you were watching. You had no choice. You had to run, even though you know your foster dad will catch you, but it's a risk you must take for the sake of your baby's future.


That night, your foster dad was drunk as usual and you knew he's a heavy sleeper, but no mistake can be made tonight. You grabbed the baby bag and your bagpack and climbed through the window. Luckily you're only four months, you can still walk quicker and climbed out.

Down there, you see Anthony, Chris and Sebastian snuck around the bushes all dressed in black. They brought the ladder and tiptoed to your window. Slowly you climbed down and the four of you tip-toed towards Chris's car that was parked further away. Once everyone got in, Chris hit the gas and quickly drive away.

"She can't stay here. We have to get her somewhere safe..., out of the country maybe", said Chris.

"But what if her father lodge a police report? Then, we're all in trouble", said Anthony. "Can we bribe him or something?".

"Maybe, but he's not stupid", said Sebastian

"I'm driving the two of you to the airport. Get her outta the country..., somewhere where he can't extradite her out. We'll try to find a way here. We'll keep you posted", said Chris.


You and Sebastian hid in his New York apartment for three days now. So far, nothing happened but the two of you stay alert. "I'll keep you safe. I'll keep the both of you safe", said Sebastian.

"I don't want anything bad happen to you. I won't survive without you", you said.

Sebastian grew fond of putting his hand on your pregnant belly and talked to the baby. Sometimes, he even read stories to the baby. Chris and Anthony called from time to time, just to make sure the two of you safe. Sebastian basically had to snuck you out to see the doctor for your monthly check-up because he's scared of anyone that could take you away from him.

Other than Chris and Anthony, Sebastian mum also knew what happened and she's extremely worried for the two of you. She came over from time to time, to tell you about pregnancies, how to watch what you eat and etc.

Months went by and still nothing happened. You and Sebastian thought you were safe, but clearly that was wrong.


You kept feeling that something isn't right. You were staying with Sebastian's mum for a dinner. Sebastian said he wanted to go to the store to get the groceries but that was three hours ago. The texts you sent were not replied and the calls were unanswer.

You began to grow restless. You're nearly 9 months and will give birth soon and you need him. Sebastian's mum had to force you to sit. Where was he? You decided to let Chris and Anthony know, but they also didn't pick up their phones. Then, your phone vibrates. A text.

For a minute you felt relieved until you saw the text, "If you want him alive then come alone".


You snuck out leaving a note to Sebastian's mum that you were just going out for a walk. You followed the instruction of the texts exactly, leading you to an abandoned factory at Bronx. You entered to find Sebastian tied on a chair, bleeding and knocked out with your foster dad nearby.

"Like what I've done?", asked your foster dad.

"You're sick. What have I ever done to you?!!", you asked.

"Oh you've done nothing, sweetheart", said your foster dad, "Do you know how much you can make selling babies at the black market? Tons of cash. Why do you think my dead wife never has a child? Because those three times she gave birth I told her her babies are dead when I have sold them myself. Where do you think I earned my money from?".

You knew he was doing illegal stuff but you weren't expecting this. "I plan to wait for you to give birth then I'll steal your baby and sell it. I'll let you live of course, but everytime you give birth, I'll be there and I'll take every single one of them from you...", said your foster dad with a sinister smirked on his face. Suddenly, you felt something wet on your legs.

'Damn, not now!', you cursed.

"Ah, it's time. Don't bother calling 911. I'll just cut you open and I'll be on my way", said your foster dad revealing a knife.


Pain began radiating through you. You can't run. The pain held you down. Your foster dad was getting closer. You prayed for a miracle, but as he got closer, you tried fighting, but you were too weak.

"Don't fight, it will make you feel even more pain", said your foster dad, "On second thought, keep squirming".

He was about to struck you when the doors burst open by NYPD. They gave out the orders to your foster dad to stand down, but he was shot dead when he tried to swing the knife. Paramedics came in once the police officers secure the perimeter. They rushed you and Sebastian to the hospital. While Sebastian was getting patched up, you gave birth to a baby girl.

Turns out Sebastian's mother called the police when she felt something was amiss, but she was glad that the three of you were safe. Chris and Anthony arrived and also were happy to see the three of you safe. You felt relieved that you are finally safe now from your foster dad.

When Sebastian woke up the next day, you showed him his daughter. "She's beautiful", he said as he shed tears of joy.

"I love you", said Sebastian as he kissed his daughter before turning his attention to you, "I love you too (y/n). We're safe now".

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