Bucky, Natasha and Tony

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(Bucky and Natasha go grocery shopping, dragging Tony with them)

Bucky is in the process of recovering and Natasha decides to take him out for a shopping. Bucky sits inside the cart while Natasha pushes him and Tony, dragged along, sighs when Bucky picks up something he doesn't know.

"You don't even know what that is!", says Tony.

"He can get whatever he wants, Tony", says Natasha. Bucky only grabs cheese.

"I want milk", says Bucky.

Natasha pushes the cart and they get gallons of milk. "Uh, who is suppose to pay for all of this?", asks Tony.

"Why do you think I drag you along?", says Natasha. She dumps in cookies, some other junk food and fruits for the pantry.

Tony tries to escape, but Natasha caught him and tased him. "Man up, Stark!", says Natasha. Bucky is happy drinking his milk while Tony is still sore due to the electric shock.

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