Sebastian x Reader #88

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(After a hard day of work...)

You came home, plopping yourself on the couch and groaned. Today had been both physically and mentally exhausted.

Sebastian heard the front door and left the bedroom to see you on the couch. He chuckled and helped you out of your shoes.

"Bad day?", he asked.

You hummed, too tired to answer. Sebastian tossed your shoes and they landed near the shoe rack. He took a hold of your bags and placed them at your work station nearby the tv.

"Hungry?", he asked and you nodded.

Sebastian kissed your temple as he left to get food. He went to the kitchen and fished out some leftovers that you two had from last night. While that heats up in the microwave, he grabbed some chocolate and sodas for you to soothe the stress today.

You lifted yourself to smell the scent of yesterday's food being heated up. You smiled seeing the chocolate in front of you.

"Food should be ready soon. Wanna continue that show from last night?", he asked.

"You're too good for me, Seb", you said.

Sebastian gave you a kiss. "Nothing's too good for my girl", he winked at you.

You spent the rest of the evening, curled in his arms with food and Netflix to chill after a long day at work.

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