Sebastian x Reader #10

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*losing Sebastian while shopping*

You needed to buy a present for you niece's birthday tomorrow and you're having a second thought of bringing Sebastian to the toy department because you actually lost him. "How did I lose my boyfriend? He's the biggest kid and I can't find him!", you groaned.

You searched for the present and Sebastian and found him around the dinosaurs plushies. When he saw you, he smiled from ear to ear while holding a leaf-eater dinosaur in a white shirt.

"Can I have this?", he asked.

"You want it, you pay it", you said.

Later, when you arrived home, you saw Sebastian placed the leaf-eater dinosaur in a white shirt that he bought on the couch along with a similar leaf-eater, but this one was dressed in a dress and have a bow on its head. The male dinosaur had his name while the female dinosaur had your name and you can't help but smile.

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