Carter Baizen x Reader #3

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Seeing him again makes you wanna shoot him. He left you for so many women and you don't know why your heart still loves him.

Carter stands there, looking apologetic and you walk away from him. You know he's following and you don't care. It's too much.

First, when he came back, he went on stealing from Chuck and conning Nate in gambling. You couldn't be bothered when he left again.

Second time, he returned, only you found him in bed with Blair. Chuck tried to warn Blair, but Blair was being..., well, Blair.

This time, he left Bree Buckley's cousin at the altar and now, in a relationship with Serena. You really want to smack yourself with a bat, seeing how stupid you are, keep on falling in love with him.

"(Y/N), wait!!", he yells and you simply walk away, blending in the crowd until you're sure he's no longer following you.

You hide in the alley and make sure he's gone before you make a move. You head towards Chuck's club and found the owner sipping in his favourite whiskey.

"Did he say anything?", Chuck asks.

"Nope, I ran", you say.

"Sometimes, I wonder who is the heart breaker", says Chuck, chuckling as he drinks.

"I love him, Chuck. As much as I hate to say it, I love him, but who does he love? Me? Serena? That Buckley he left at the altar?", you say.

"Sometimes, I ask that question regarding Blair", he says.

You hate when you have to see how perfect Serena and Carter are at Rufus's wedding. You saw the Buckleys and sees Carter panic. That's what you get for breaking people's heart.

Years pass, you haven't heard from Carter after the Buckleys make him work to pay his debt off. Serena broke up with him and now is happily married to Dan Humphrey. Chuck and Blair are married too and now, have a son name Henry.

You? Recently promoted to detective and working your way to be a leader of your own team.

One day, as you got off from night shift, you stumble into Carter at the subway.

"(Y/N), looking beautiful as always", he says.

You roll your eyes and board the train as he follows you. "(Y/N), don't leave me hanging", he says again.

"Why? Because you have no one else to break their hearts? I'm just another notch to you", you say.

"No you're not! If you're just another notch, I'd walk away now", he says.

"You had your chance. You blew it off and I think I've given one too many chances", you say.

"You're breaking my heart, (Y/N)", he seems to be truthful, judging by his eyes.

"What about me, Carter? What about my heart?", you ask as you could feel the tears about to burst.

The train stops and you disembark. Carter follows you home.

"(Y/N), please listen", he pleads.

You wipe your tears quickly and begin to break into a sprint. Carter chases you back home and pulls you in his arms before you could reach the door.

"Let go, you asshole!", you squirm, but Carter just holds you as he takes in your punches.

"I've let you go before, never again", he says once you calm down.

"You know, I pushed everyone away for you", you confess.

"And I pushed you away. I'm sorry", he says.

"I swear to God, if you treat me like how you treat others in the past, I WILL shoot you", you threaten him.

"God, you're so cute when you threaten people", he says, kissing your nose. You scrunch up your nose, pretending to be annoyed by it when you secretly like it.

"You coming?", you ask, nudging towards the door.

"Thought you never ask", he smirks and kisses you.

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