Sebastian x Reader #92

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(When two lovers reunited)

When you two were young, your parents protested. They said you should continue study and find a steady job or find someone with a solid monthly income.

You two were forced to say goodbye. You cried so hard that night..., and the next night until to the point, you wanna prove to your family that you don't need a man in order to have a stable life.

That was 10 years ago. When you walked into the bar of the hotel, you bumped into him.

"(Y/N)...", Sebastian felt like a part of his heart had come back to life.

"Sebastian...", you said before he gathered you in his arms.

"God, I miss you so much. There are days..., I just can't", you can hear him sobbing in the crook of your neck.

"Can we..., can we pick up where we left off?", you asked.

Sebastian kissed you and the feeling you two once had reignited. "I love you..., always. I never lost hope", he said.

"I love you too, Seb. Always have. Only you", you said.

With one more kiss, the two of you sealed your love. He took you by the hand and walked out of the place, vowing to never let each other go.

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