Bucky x Reader #24***

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(Reader and Bucky have rough sex every night - WARNING SMUT)

His cold metal arm holds your nape in place as he thrusts in and out of you. Due to his time with HYDRA, he's rough on you, but somehow you sorta enjoy it. You would feel sore every single day.

"(Y/N), you ok?", asks Sharon.

You could only nod and smile. Steve also notice how Bucky watches you like a predator stalking its prey. It's not just every night, whenever he'd passes by your office, he'd push you down at the table and take you there.

"Bucky, don't hurt her", says Steve one day and that night, Bucky doesn't come near you, which is odd.

"I don't want to hurt you", he says.

You sit on his lap and pull him in for a hug.

"I get when you were with HYDRA, you only know pain and how to enjoy through those pain", you say, "Come here, let me show you something".

You lay down and guide him to do things slowly. Bucky slowly learns and after all those nights together, you wouldn't be surprised that you end up pregnant. You hate those birth control pills and he hates condoms because it's hard with a metal left arm.

"I'm scared I'll hurt her too", he says. You kiss his forehead.

"You won't because I'm here to kick your ass if you do. You'll be a great dad, Bucky, I know you will", you say, "By the way, her? You want a girl?".

You are right after all. Bucky loves and protects his daughter. Your baby looks like him, except she has your hair, but you love them both all the same.

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