Bucky x Reader x Steve #2

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(Bucky and Steve get Reader some birthday gifts)

Bucky sneaks in the cake and the present as Steve makes pancakes. Bucky set the cake on the table and plums next to it.

"What's in the box?", asks Steve.

"It's her birthday, let her open", says Bucky and swatting Steve's hand as he tries to peek in.

You come down and the two of them surprise you. "Happy birthday", they say.

"You guys, really? When did you get this cake?", you say.

"A last minute thing, but it's your favourite", says Bucky. You open the cake box, revealing a plum cake.

"Her favourite is strawberry", says Steve and Bucky glares at him.

"Guys, I love both, but thank you Bucky", you say. Bucky lights the cake and you make a wish before blowing the candles.

"Open mine first", says Steve.

You're surprised to see the acrylic paints that you've been wanting and some new brushes. Bucky pushes his present, looking rather sad. When you open it, you absolutely love it.

"Buck, he's cute!!", you pick up a black kitten with blue eyes.

"Do you like it?", asks Bucky.

"I love it, he's adorable", you say.

"But which one you like the most?", Steve asks.

"If you plan on ruining my birthday, Kitty is going to claw your face old man", you threats Steve with a cute fluff ball.

"Did someone say birthday?", asks Tony, popping his head from the door.

"Chimichangas!!", Wade's voice echoes through the tower.

"I really hope it's just the two of us", says Bucky.

"Uh, no? I'm doing a party", says Tony before running off.

"Why don't the three of us just watch a movie before the party?", you ask.

"She likes my present better", says Steve.

"At least I bought her favourite cake and animal, Rogers", Bucky growls.

"Really you two?", you say.

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