Bucky meets Georgie #2

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(In honour of Bucky's 101st Birthday)

No, please don't! I keep trying to reach, but the guy's hand just keep getting further away from me.

I wake up, sweating. Damn the nightmares are getting worse. I turn to the nightstand to see my glass is empty.

I peek in Jo's room. She's asleep, clutching her necklace as she always do. I don't want to wake her up.

As I lean by the counter, drink in my hand, I begin to think. The dreams..., was it who I was in the past? Whenever I have dreams, they put me in that chair. I hate it.

"Bucky~", a voice startles me, causing me to let the glass slips from my hand and shatters on the floor.

"Bucky~", the voice, why does it sound so familiar? It's coming from the living room.

I make my way there and..., what the hell? Who is that blonde guy?! Wait, who's that with him, the dark hair guy? Is that..., me?

"I'm with you to the end of the line", the dark hair guys says, gripping the blonde's shoulder.

Then, it all fades, leaving nothing but the blonde and darkness surrounding him. He turns to me.

"Why didn't you save me, Buck?", the blonde asks me.

"I don't know you", I tell him.

"Why didn't you save me?!", his voice becomes deeper.

Then, more people appear, asking why I didn't save them or why I killed them? No, make it stop. Please! I put my hands on my ears, covering them.

"STOP IT!!", I yell, but I feel like my voice is drowned out.


Jo wakes up in a jolt, her senses are off. Something is not right. The feeling fuels more when she hears Bucky screaming.

Jo bolts down the stairs to find Bucky, on his knees in the living room and screaming. She quickly got to him and shakes him.

"Bucky, stop! Enough soldier!", yells Jo.


I snap awake, seeing Jo in front of me. I look around, thank God. Otherwise, I'm a goner.

"What the hell?", she asks.

"I-I-I thought I saw..., a guy", I tell her.

"What does he look like?", Jo asks and I tell her.

Everything I saw - the blonde man, the man who looked like me and what the blonde man said. Jo makes a thorough search of the house, but she didn't find anything.

The next morning, we are surprised by a knock on the door. A police greets us, but I don't like him. There's this..., aura around him that's bad.

"Ma'am, we received some calls that they heard screaming coming from your house. Are you new here?", asks the officer. I peer to his name tag - Bowers.

"Yeah, sorry about that. My brother here..., he just got back from the gulf. Doctor said PTSD and he's having trouble sleeping. I thought of staying at a quiet suburb like this would help him with some peace of mind", says Jo.

"Well..., I appreciate if you can..., keep it down. Folks here do enjoy their peace and quiet", says Bowers.

I can see Jo gripping the gun hidden on her back, but she gives him a sweet smile. "Will do, officer", she says.

"What exactly do you do again?", asks Bowers.

"I am a freelance writer and editor, sir. From Washington", says Jo.

Bowers hums, nodding before leaving. Jo watches them as they leave. From her face, I know she sees them as a threat.

"We need to be careful", she says, whispering.

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