Sebastian x Reader #8

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*Sebastian dealing with your ex*

It was only a month you and Sebastian got together after years of seeing you bounced from one boyfriend to the next. "I'm tired of withholding my feelings and I'm tired of seeing you being treated like dirt by those douchebags. I love you (y/n), for so long but I don't know why I didn't say it sooner", he said. He treated you like a princess unlike your past boyfriends.

One day, you two came home from a movie and dinner date and found your apartment completely trashed with a note saying, "You will be sorry that you dumped me".

Sebastian moved you to a hotel until the police solved this problem. Sebastian left to get some food while you waited in the room. Then, someone knocked on the door. Before you could get the doorknob, someone broke the door down and it wasn't Sebastian. "I told you. You can never leave me. If I can't have you then no one can...".


You wanted to scream when you saw the knife high above, but you couldn't. "I'm sorry, Sebastian...", was all you could say.

You closed your eyes in hoping death will be swift, but all you heard was a thud and the knife fell to the floor. You opened your eyes to see your ex being pinned to the wall by Sebastian, thanks to the training he had during CATWS.

"You touch her and I will end you", said Sebastian before tossing the guy away. Your ex got up to fight but he was no match for Sebastian. You called the cops while Sebastian defended you. The cops came and arrested your ex. After being checked by the paramedics, you stayed in Sebastian's arms.

"Let's go somewhere away, so you'll forget all of this, ok?", he said and you could only nod. Sebastian brought you to the airport and took a red eye flight. You didn't know where you were going. You were too tired that you fell asleep in his arms during take-off.


"Babe? Wake up... We're here", said Sebastian as he shook you softly from your slumber.

"Where are we?", you said as you yawned.

"Bucharest. Once we touch down, we'll rent a car and head towards Constanta", he said.

Sebastian's hometown. You've finally arrived to his hometown. After touch down and renting a car, the two of you took time to reach Constanta, but you didn't mind. It's like backpacking, but it's more to country driving. Sebastian made a couple days stops, showing her Romania. Finally, he stopped at his father's house. His father greeted you with warm hugs and stated his worry when Sebastian's mother called about your ex boyfriend issue.

You stayed there for a few more days. While staying there, Sebastian's father shared about Sebastian's life before he and his mother moved to Vienna when he was 8. The more you stayed in Romania, you felt like staying there forever, but your work and Sebastian's prevented the idea.

"When you want, we'll come back again, ok?", he suggested.

Finally, after nearly two weeks, you and Sebastian had to returned back. You said goodbye to his father and wished you could stay longer.

"Thanks, Sebastian", you said before boarding the plane.

"I may not be prince charming, but i'll forever be your knight", he said.

"With a shiny left arm", you giggled.

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