Sebastian x Reader #55***

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(Sebastian is horny - WARNING SMUT)

You come home to find Sebastian on the couch, waiting for you and giving you the look - the "I'm-horny-and-I-want-you-now" look. "Are you ok?", you ask.

"Miss you", says Sebastian, still maintaining the look, "Bedroom. Now".

He drags you as you giggle. Once the door is locked and closed, he pins you at the door and smothers you with his lips.He moves to bite and leave hickeys on your neck. You tug his hair, causing him to bite harder and lift you up.

You wrap your legs around his waist as he pushes your skirt up. You hear the zipper and moan as he thrusts in.

"Sebastian, really? The door?", you moan, but he's a little busy unbuttoning your blouse and sucking your nipples.

The two of you come and Sebastian lays you on the bed before stripping both his and your clothes.

"Ready for round two?", he asks with a cheeky grin, making you giggle.

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