Bucky x Reader #43

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(Reader goes into labour while waiting for Bucky)

The pain is unbearable. The long months of waiting is finally over and how you wish it to be over soon.

"God damn it! Where is he?!!", you yell as the pain gets worse.

"ETA 10 minutes", says Natasha as she rubs your back.

"10?!! I can't wait 10 minutes! The baby is coming out!!", you grip the bedside railing hard until your knuckles turn white.

"Ma'am I'm sorry we can't wait for your husband. The longer we wait the baby will suffocate", says the doctor.

"He'll be sorry for this", you grumble as Natasha helps you up to bed and the nurses and doctor are ready to deliver your baby.

"(Y/N)!! I'm here!!", you hear Bucky from the outside.

"Scrub him then let him in", the doctor gives out the order and one of the nurses scrambles to get Bucky into the scrub.

Natasha heads out as Bucky slides by your side. Your try your best to hit him even when you don't have the strength.

"Where were you?! I've been in pain for hours!!", you yell.

"Doll, I'm sorry but I'm here now", he says, caressing your hair and kissing your forehead.

"Mrs. Barnes, push!", says the doctor. You push as hard as you can. After a few hard pushes, the doctor yells, "I see the head!".

"Babe you're doing good. Just a few more", Bucky encourages you.

The minute the baby comes out, the fatigue reels in and you breathe in a sigh of relief. "Congratulations, it's a boy", says the doctor. The nurses clean up the baby before handing him over to Bucky.

"You did it. Our son is here", he says, showing off your baby to you and you nod slowly as you give a faint smile.

"Doctor, the patient", one of the nurses points out to your vital.

"Get Mr. Barnes outta here", says the doctor.

Bucky panics as you slowly slip away into unconsciousness and your vital spikes up.

"What happened?", asks Natasha and Steve arrives seconds afterwards. Bucky is too speechless to even say anything and the baby sudden cry is not helping the situation.

"Shhh, it's ok. Everything will be ok", he rocks his son in his arms.

Bucky waits for hours, his son in his arms, still wearing the scrub and refusing anyone to touch or hold his son. Silently he prays for your safety.

"Mr. Barnes...", the doctor comes out.


Bucky sits on the chair, cradling his newborn son as you slowly opens your eyes. You can feel the tubes and wires all around you.

"What happened, Bucky?", you ask.

"You lost a lot of blood. We nearly lost you", he says. You peek to see your son sleeping peacefully in his father's arms.

"How you holding up?", you ask.

"I don't know. These past couple days feel like hell, but this little guy keeps me busy and he's my little hope", says Bucky.

Then, a soft knock is heard and Steve pokes his head. "Can we come in?", he asks. Bucky nudges his head and Steve enters with Natasha and Sam.

"Can we hold him now?", asks Natasha. Bucky sighs and hands the baby to her.

"He was distraught and won't let anyone near his son", says Sam.

"So have we thought of names?", asks Steve.

"Can we let (y/n) recover first?", says Bucky.

"Steven James", you say.

"Haha, you're on diaper duty, Cap", says Sam.

"You sure? There's no changing", says Bucky.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure, unless you have a better idea", you say.

"Nathaniel sounds nice", Natasha throws in her idea.

"Nah, Sam is much better", says Sam.

"Or Clint", Hawkeye pokes his head from the window.

"Nah, we'll stick to Steven James", says Bucky and Clint mumbles in defeat.

You regain your strength to hold your son. He's the spitting image of his father, except for his nose. Probably got from you.

"He's beautiful and perfect", you say, kissing your son.

"Just like you", says Bucky as he smiles.

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