34 . An Innocent Life

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The day was nice and warm just like any summer vacation should be. we (Passion and I) only had two more weeks.

Cross wasnt taking any of it well and had been taking it out on Maria ever since. He and i bumped heads when he'd try to convice me to stay

Didnt work !

i was offically a grown ass woman with a bright future. My bank account was big bucks and my soon to be school was so excited for my arrival. They sent papers after paper for all the activities i can join once i got there.

After Passion and i finished shoping for our college things, we came back home and played ball on the street just laughing and giggling. She was so grown and spoiled but was still just a child and had a big heart as she drippled and tossed it at me . Her hair was like mines curly thick and long. She might as well been my twin, except for the eyebrows and eyes. The streets were small so there wasnt much side walk and even littler roadway, so i never allowed Passion outside by herself "Mommy im thirsty" i smiled and nodded

"OK come on so we can make you something to eat" we walked up the porch and i started to open the door. Maria head bobbed up and down on Cross's shaft. I quickly shut the door " baby sit here on the porch for mommy Ok? Dont move for anyone ima keep the door opened"

Opening the door, Maria sat up wiping the clear liquid off the corner of her lips smudging her pink lipstick a little Cross laid across the couch flipping threw the TV as he massaged Maria's ass. He looked up at me and licked his lips.

I knew Cross was dying inside since he prefered me over my own mother but this nigga was a dirtbag and i wanted him to rot in hell for what he is and what he does.

"Passion is seating on the porch, keep an eye on her" Cross smiled and nodded looking back at Passion who held tight to the basketball

As i made the sandwhich, i could hear Cross and Maria bickering in the living room but i made sure i could here my babies voice as she sang the 'wheels on the bus'

"Girl shut that shit up" Maria yelled, "Dont let that fucking ball--"

Next thing i heard was The fast dribble of the ball bouncing and a screech of a car halting to a stop, and a loud thud


The screams were high pitched and in distress and i dropped everything hearing nothing but that scream,only silents. Everyone in the neighbor hood was suddenly eyes glued at the middle of the street.

I followed there gaze looking for my child who wasnt on the porch, "O god" my heart must had sank cause i felt a pulsating beat in my feet as i ran to my baby.

My angel laying on the cold concrete in her own blood, i tripped falling to my knees and grabbing my baby into a craddling position. There was blood everywhere. i pulled her small body to me pressing her head to my chest hoping she could hear the thuds of my panicing heart.

Her face was covered in blood and her nose busted open, her cheeks were swollen with open cuts along with a deep gash in her forehead. Her hair matted down coated with her own blood, her body cold against my skin "WHY WHY MY BABY" i yelled like murder as my voice crooked and the tears stung my dry lips.

Why would God let my baby girl die like this? Why my baby girl out of all people in this world ! The only one i love, i was dead inside and my screams and cries would never stop. i could feel myself breathe, i couldnt feel my scream, it was like everything slowed down and every movement anyone made was stopped by time

Except my screams ...

Seeing the ambulance they rushed out and gently pryed my child away from me, a man reached for me and held me in a tight hug as i cried and felt my legs give, he held me up. Reaching my hand out to Passion, i know i saw her move, i saw it, My baby was still alive she had to me. "Please move no Please, i have to be with my baby" i pushed the man grabbing my keys and rushing behind the ambulance. Tears clouded my vision but it wasnt about to stop me. NOTHING was important to me, not the ten redlights i passed, not the angry drivers i deeped at, Nobody was on my mind excpet my baby.

i waited in the private waiting room of the hospitals ERfor five full hours "Avah" Cross said touch my hand but his voice was like the bile in my throat. i wanted it out, Maria right behind him. His touch lingered on my hand and the feel of it disgusted me. My babies screams kept repeating in my head, the car tires burning against the pavement repeated in my head. this was my baby, this was MY baby. i kept her in my life and looked after her and the one fucking day i tell them to keep an eye on her, i let my eyes off of her for 20 seconds

And This Happens.

Next thing i knew i was punching Cross in the face "Fuck You" i yelled and screamed throwing anying i could get my hands on at him and Maria too, rage filled my entire heart as i reached for her throat and squeezed till her eyes whitened and her voice cracked, i wanted her to feel all of the pain and hurt i felt i wanted her to choke of her life just as much as i choked. Doctors and nurses came inside the room in a hurry prying me away from Maria and out of the room, looking back at the pathetic bastereds, i gave them the look they've been giving me all my life "You both are monsters" i spat.

"Ms, Skye" i turned to see Doctor Moris, his hair thinning and the thick glasses made his eyes look enormous "May i please speak with you" he asks

"Of course" i tried to read the expression he held but he gave no clues to me as he took slow strides beside me.

"How is she?" i looked back seeing Cross's face and behind him nurse gave a cup of ice to Maria. Her hair knotted and lipstick smeared with a bruise around her neck. I could have done waaaaay worse, i wanted to kill them both.

"No please please talk to me she's my child" i begged him wanting him to understand and see the pain in my eyes. He nodded his head and opened the door to an empty room with only a chair a hospiyle bed and a TV

"If you'd like to take a seat.." i shook my head.

"Just tell me" i beg tears falling from my swollen eyes, my hands gribbed his arms and my eyes caught his emotion. The saddened look on his face told it all. I felt my feet numb and his arms srapped around me. Why was this room spinning to fast? "She stayed with us for a longer time then i expected, she was fighting for her life. Her heart was just too faint but we heard her" he explained "we tried everything to make it more rapid but it never did, She didnt make it' he slowly sat me down on the couch behind me and kneeled to meet my eye level. I was in so much pain and it was getting harder to breathe. "I am so sorry for your loss" i looked up at him and could only stare into his eyes. I wanted to feel something id never felt, his eyes had seen nothing ive seen but my eyes had seen nothing he's seen.

"Ill gi home now"i say . The only words i could muster up as i stood from the couch. My feet were uneasy under me and i tried to walk but my feet felt like concrete. I grabbed for the wall.

"i thibk you should stay a night here miss, you're shock and i would like to keep an eye out--"

"Stop Caring" i screamed tears falling from the corner's of my eyes and stung my dry lips, standing up straight i walked out of the room and staggered down the hall. I was not staying another night in the hospital, i was fine.

However, i was walking out without my baby. These fools had me signing shit my mind couldnt even catch on too. My baby was gone forever, i was suppose to be planing me and her last night in baltimore but now i would planing her funeral..

My heart pounded against my already aching chest. As i passed Cross, who tried to touch me but i pushed his hand away from my body. I still wore my child's blood on me, and it was starting to smell rusty and salty. "Take me home" i demanded painfully, i didnt have to tell him twice. I didnt want to say those words, because my daughter still felt very much alive. I can still see her bright smile, her curly hair, her big bright eyes, her gorgeous laugh. I knew once i got home and laid down, my baby girl wont going to be there with me.

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