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    "Cross, why me!" i cried as he gripped me by the hair pulling me upstairs. I was getting a drink of water when Cross and his friends stepped in the house, Cross told me to undress for him while his friends stared me down with hungry eyes. i shut down, scared as hell. It had been Two months since Nikko set me up at the party and id got gang rapped yet Cross showed no affection yo it. He started letting his buddies fuck me and beat me till i choked up blood. i was breaking down mentally and i couldnt do this again.

So when i refused and fought back, Cross dismissed his friends out and attacked me "Please Cross, im sorry, im sorry!" i cried as he threw me on the bed. It had been 2 months since he fucked me, and tears ran down my face as he ripped of my clothes.

"Cross" i scream "Please, i'm sorry" he plunged in me and with every thrust my head hit against the head bored. i put my hand on the head bored and the other trying to push him off. Trying to close my legs but it was no use his body laid between them as he fucked my walls.

When he finished, he beat me "Dont ever fucking embarrass me again bitch"

i laid there in a fetal position and waited to hear his car sped off before i ran out to my mom. Tripping on air i looked up at her "Mom, i cant do this anymore. i want to leave! why wont you leave him!"

"Get away" she said applying lipstick "You stupid slut, he is good to us. Do you see what he has given us"

"Mom No!" i begged "Please, we can leave now while we have a chance. i dont want to live like this" i started to pull on her arm but her hand slid across my face making me fall to the floor. "Are you crazy bitch? We not going anywhere. this is how life is, if you dont like it then thats yo problem you dont have a say-so worth shit. So keep quiet at least you got a place to sleep and eat"i bit my lip refusing to cry infront of her. it was then i seen all i needed to see. 

She could stare at me, with my ripped clothes and bite marks Cross gave me and say all this, stand in the next room and hear me screaming for her and not say shit. "Mom look at me" i told her, annoyed she did it anyway. "who am i to you?"

"A hoe that cant keep her pants up" picking myself up i shook my head and locked myself in the room.

It hurt.

she didnt see me as her baby girl

she didnt want to protect me.

care for me.

all i wanted was for her to love me.

she couldnt even do that.

Rather have a nigga rape me to be eligable to live under his roof then be without a man with no roof over her head.

All i needed from her, was love.

instead she sliced my heart up in too a million pecies.

& she wont planning on taking the time to fix it.


I feel like i messed the timeline up on her age but ill fix it later. dont worry bout it if you did notice lol just keep reading ;) Not alot of details and if anyone is confused 

Avah Skye is still 14 years old.

Nikko is a no show & Rico is a no show too.

Avah think Cross killed Rico.

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