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"Avah, you got a 98 on the test" My teacher Mrs.Russel says handing my my test. "Keep it up"

Thr hardest test in the middle of my junior year and i aced it. The bell rung and i hurriedly picked up my bags and purse. i was off work today which meant i could spend all day with my baby girl Passion. "Hey Nurse trudy, how is she?" i said after the second ring when she picked up as i put my books up.

"Great as ever, she gaining weight fast so we going to need you to do some more bottles today,"

"how much she weigh now?"

"7 lbs . Docter May wants her at 10.5 lbs thrn he going to keep her for an extra week just to make sure she OK to leave"

"Ok well, im on my way there now"

"OK Avah see you in a little bit" Nurse Trudy said and hung up. i waved to my teacher and walked out her class, but before i went to See Avah i had to check in with my advisor.

i knocked on the door hoping she was still in there "Hey Ms. Scott" i greeted when i slosly opened the door.

"Hey Avah, coming to check in"

"Yeah fot college, you told me come in"

"Yup yup i did come sit for a second" i spent about 15 mintues in that office of her explaining the five best colleges for me thats out of state and in my price range and itll be easy for me to find a babysitter because all of the cemters had a daycare center.

taking the paper and the early submission forms i made my way to my door and slid everything in my red folder.

" Hey beautiful " i said seeing the tiny dimples that formed as she smiled showing her gums. she was 8 months now and getting so big compared to how small she was at first. even though she still seemed tiny to me.

She had a head fully of dark hair and big eyes like mines but the were dark like Crosss' with thick eyelashes and eyebrows. i was glad she had my face though. They still wouldnt let me touch her though they said by next week i can try breat feeding her for the first time.

i couldnt wait, Passion knew my voice but she didnt know my touch and i didnt know hers. It made me sad that me and her had to endure this sepration but i talked to her and let her know that mommy was right there.

mommy wasnt going anywhere.

After filling all the bottles, i started on ny homework and studying reading aloud so Passion could hear my voice. it was getting.late and i could see her small eyes slowly drift shut. "Goodnight Passion" i said to her before the lids of her eyes closed.

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