35. Digging a deeper hole

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We had the funeral the following week, i had been numb still and just at the pew with a empty heart. I just sat and stared off in space as the preacher went on with the sermon. My eyes were heavy and blood shot red. I looked sick and pale. I refused to see my baby girl in the casket, Cross sat sat a couple people from me and Maria never showed. People came up to me but i couldnt speak back, it was like my voice was plugged in. I was dead inside.

My daughter laid in thatvcasket in a pink dress witg her hair in tight curls with a white ribbon. My baby girl laid in that casket. I felt as if i had no one to care for, i spent all my time and my love on this child. I was raising a beatiful soul to this world. Now, all of that was taken away from me.

I stayed eyes pinned at the casket as the sermon ended and men took the casket out. Ready to go and bury my child. I stayed seated numb and bellowed as i stared at tge empty spot the casket onve stood at. Cross kneeled to me but hid words he spoke were invisible as wind "You should come" was the only visible words heard.

"You should leave" i sat, normally i would have been beatened but he only stood and walked away from me Nobody came to me. Everybody knew they were wrong.

However, my problems werent to them right now, my problems were too God. I had stood by him after not standing by him at all. I was just begining to understand the shit i was going threw, why i was here, and why he gave me this child. He had answered all of my questions, he'd helped me see clearer.

But he had no answers for why he took away my child? Why would he give me someone and take it right back? Why didnt he love me? Why was i the one going threw the shit im going threw?

I wasnt sure how long i conteplated on my thoughts but the Pastor came and sat next to me. I trailed away from him an inch or two, who knows? This men could be the same as any other men in this world.

Before he could say anything to me, i hushed him "She was my universe" i started "And now she is gone, how can He explain that to me" i stared at him for a long time waiting for an answer. Obviously not getting nothing i stood and shook my head "My child" i told him before walking out of that place.

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