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It was chilly, and when my alarm rung at 10:30 i wanted to sleep in just a little more. But today was the offical day Passion Skye would be able to come home.

I had my room completely baby set and ready for her. Grabbing her black and pink hello kitty bag, i threw it on my bed. Slid on my black joggers and nickies hoodie. Throwing the babybag across my shoulder i tied my all white airmax shoes and grabbed my car keys.

Stepping out my room i came in eye contact with a scowling Maria. i said not one word to her, and started walking down the stairs. This women want me to die for crying out loud, litterly trying to stab my heart.

She was crazy beyond doubt i knew raising my child in a house with her was dangerous and i changed my door so that you'd need a key to get in.

Slidding into the car, i turned on the radio. Passion's carseat in the back and secured, thanks to Cross who set it up last night before he left to handle some business.

He hadnt touched me in a long time, and i was grateful of it.


Arriving at the hospital, i made sure i carried everythings needed. Luckily i found a babysitter for Passion for when im at school and work. Her name was Melondy my Bosses 24 year old daughter and she was kind and i liked her alot so i decided to give her a chance scince she had experiance with kids.

Since i was in the middle of my junior year i needed to make sure i was staying on it in school, so passion and i could be out by the time i graduate.

Laying Passion on the changing table she wouldnt keep still as i tried to change her clothes. She was being a goofy baby as she giggle and sucked on her little fist. "Oh so you think you funny" i said lifting her up and zipping up her little jacket i brought her. "come on baby, its time to go home" i told her giving her a kiss on her head as i signed her out of the hospital.

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