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in this chapter, Avah is now a senior and i messed up the times i think but i want Passion to be two ( 2 years old) so Passion is two years old. i will fix the times later on.. but right now shes one till her birthday which will be coming either next chapter or chapter before that one.

Cross laid half naked on my bed with covers on top of him, snoring loud with his arm wrapped around my waist as i sat up and removed his arm away from me. i walked over to Passion and gave her a light smile seeing her big eyes looking up at me.

"Wanna go out for a ride to the beach?" i asked her in a whisper. she had been begging me to go see the the sunrise so i promised her this.

picking her up i let her slid on her own shoes , placing a finger to my lips i told her to stay quiet. she cheesed at me showing me her pearly whites and her wild curly bushy hair bounced as she quietly covered her mouth and with her lilttle silly self tip-toed to the door. i slipped on my shoes and followed her out grabbing a throw-cover and a bag of snacks Passion opened the house door and i closed it. Opening the car door for her i let her climb inside and chuckle, whatever was so funny to her wasnt quiet clear to me but i'd always laugh eith her. i wanted her to uderstand that laughing at nothing was OK. i even gave her a little tickle making her laugh harder.

When we got to the beach i let her hold the snacks and as i lead the pilet on the sand. placing our shoes beside the covers i slowly laid on my stomach and Passion cuddle beside me. Her eyes wide as she stared at the pink and purple sky with hint of oranges and yellows.

"Is the sky skittles mommy?" she asked me i smiled at the question.

"No baby, but if you want them to be skittles for now just think of them as a big bag of skittles"

"Can i get some snacks now?" i nodded as she dug in the bag and pulled out a bag of grabes and cheesed with a mouth full of grapes, her cheeks swell from having so much graped stuffed in her mouth. i laughed "Yuum" she said

"Let me see" she opened her mouth showing me her now empty mouth and i gave her a small gesture as she grabbed two more grapes and munched on them "Mommy" her tiny voice sounded

"Yes Passion"

"Why are you so sad when that men come roun'" she said reaching for my shoulder her tiny hands patted my back getting my attention. nothing but the warm winds and small waves crashing against the shore.

"Mommy is always happy because mommy has you Passion"

"But you always look sad"

"Because mommy wishes for better"

She didnt say anything and icknew her little mind was working big trying to understand what my adult simple words meant. i smiled and chuckled at they face she made, she was thinking so hard.

"Mommy?" her voice rung again

"i'm listening" i said with my eyes closed as i focused on her voice and the winds and the waves

"do you believe in God?"

i opened my eyes and turned to see her, she stared up at the sky.

"I never thought about it before Passion" i told her with a frown "tell me about him?" i always loved to see her brain work.

"He's our father mommy, ma' teacha says he dies fo' us'" her voice rung.in my ear and her her words lifted my heart, i didnt believe in God but this little girl did. i smiled wider,

"Who told you about him Passion?"

"i saw it on TV yestaday, i beweve in him" i held in a laugh at her struggle to pronounciate the word. "they woship him in a.. a"

"A church"

she bounced up in down with a hold on my arm "Can we go can we go" she smiled wide.

i frowned as i contiplated it. should i teach my daughter to believe in the very man that never answered me or should i crush her belief and tell her like it is.

the potential frown on her face if i told her 'no' was something i never wanted to see "Honey, of course we can go"

i told her and told her "Now look, its happening. she stared at the sky as thr sun slowly rose, and stood looking at me for consent. i nodded my head and she walked further out. her curly long hair boucing as she skipped.

i couldnt stop smiling at the happy angel of mines, as she looked back at me with a smile from ear to ear as she pointed to the sunrise "look mommy" i was watching, the light bounced off her beautiful brown skin.

She was beautiful all around. Her personality from the moment she was born was bright. she amazed me everyday.

And here i was with her, actually considering the Man she called Our Father.

she as in my daughter telling me about this man. If she was right than it was thr very man who gabe me Passion.

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