25. Early

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With a cool breeze to the hot air, i sat on the porch with a smile. picturing me and my daughter playing ball, picturing her smile and the gorgeous hair i know she going to have. i stood and wobbled my way into the house, and into the kitchen as my stomach growled.

Maria stood in the kitchen cuting up some apples when i walked in. i grabbed the bread and some sandwhich meat but my heart was pounding. how could i ignore this lady as if she didnt birth me? as if she wasnt my momma? putting the lunch meat in the fregirator and turning to her.

She looked the same, thick short light skin beautiful, she looked like shed been on the streets for her whole life with her tatted body. "Hey Maria" i said in a slow calm voice as i slowly made my way too her. i didnt know how she was going to act but i had to at least try one more time, "i was just wondering if me and you could talk"

she didnt say nothing or anything so keeping a safe bistance i kept talking "i dont excatly know what or where to start with this, but at first o never understood anything you haf me going threw. i thought it was all normal and that everyone went threw it. i want a family yes, but i never asked for a family like this. i never asked to have a baby by Cross. i know you upset that i didnt have the abortion but that would have been my 8th time and i just couldnt do that to myself again. im not having this baby for him, i hate him but you too scared to leave or i dont know you just dont care. I want to call you my mother again, i forgive you, i love you still i just want you to love me back. that all i ever-"

i was cut off but a terrifing scream "Shut the fuck up" she gripped on to the knife tight in her hand and stared me down. her eyes blood shot red and her pupils small making her irises look completely black. Next thing i knew she had a grip on me and me and her was throwing eachother around as she began kicking.me holding tight to ny hair.

Oh Hell No.

My babies life was in my hands and i had to fight back. balling my fist i began throwing them in he face making sure i heard the connect as i repeatedly banged her head.

that look she gave me, it was an evil look as she gripped tight to the knife and tried to stab me. i blovked it with my hand and the knife went right in the middle of my palm. she pulled it back and i screamed in pain.

as she tried again furious that she missed. she missed and the knife went right threw my should the pain had me stunned as she oulled it out. ignoring the pain, i could only think of my baby as i stuck my finger deep into her eye. Cross came in and jumped in action pulling a fighting Maria off me with a bleeding eye. he grabbed her hand that held the knife and beat it against the wall till it fell. he kicked it so it was under the table.

"Fuck you" Maria scream "Ill kill you bitch, ill kill you!"

i stood and gripped to my stomach feeling conplete pain as i fell back to my knees "Yeah Bitch Die!" Maria shouted as i coughed up blood. and felt wentness between my legs.

Fuck!" i cursed feeling my stomach tighten, and my head become.light as i struggled to keep up with my breathes and heart beat, "No no noo no no Cross im too early" i cried as he picked me up. "My baby No please, i cant lose my baby Aaaah" the pin was unbearable as the room began to spin and the light around.my eyes dimmed. my blood was everywhere and a puddle of blood.and from when my water broke. i cried till i started getting lighthead "Stay with me Avah" Cross said before the lights went out and my eyes slowly closed.

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