19 . No Hearts

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The hell was a God? i laughed to my self. he aint never gave me a break instead it was only heartbreak after heart break i had to deal with. God probably thought i was a Hoe too, He didnt see my pain or hear my cries. He let one of the most caring person in my life die and led me to find her, while he let the ones that hurt and abuse me live. Why let someone so fucking evil live? Why was i here in the first place? why should i have to go threw all this shit, when i could just be dead?

i tried to kill myself five times, everytime i tried i was sent to the hospital and saved.

i ran away twice but that was a fail just as much as my suiside attempts.

So i gave up on it and layed low. i slept with my bedroom door locked so Cross wouldnt get in but that was pointless. He got so fucking mad he kicked down the door.

Now i aint have a door.

i stared out the window feeling side pains in my stomach, i was about to get off my period and i was feeling sick as a dog.

The next day, i took me a shower and just slept the entire day my 15th birthday was coming up and i was ready as hell to do something.other than sit around or something. Maybe this new year was going to be better than my past year.

it was quiet tonight, Cross was out handling business and Maria was at work. i was hungry and the frig was empty so i walked to the corner store to get me something to eat.

Cross kept me in the house ever since last year, he didnt want shit happening this year.

But i was bored and hungry, So i took the walk there.

It was one of those nights where everyone decided to be somewhere else other than outside. So the streets was quiet. Only a couple people wandered around. i could hear hear sirens but it was to far off for me too see.

this wasnt the same CVS i met Red or well Faith but it was laid out the excact same way. Grabbing some food i signed trying my best to ignore the one memory i had of that lady.

The detectives aint really care and i knew they wouldnt keep in touch. They didnt care who the shokter was cause if they did they would smell him.

that nigga was right under their nose

But they didnt give a rats ass, and it was easy for them to push the case away. To them it was just another prostitue gone wrong.

i shook the thoughts out my head, i just wanted to forget everything but it always came back to me.


God !!!!!! why did i think so damn much. i blinked back tears as i gave the woman my money, got my change and bag and started back home.

The walk was quiet and i hated being stuck in my own.thought so i put my head phones in one ear lettting the other dangle so i could hear my surrounding. i bobbed my head to the music as i walked down the street, hearing a car door shut behind me i ignored it and kept walking.

"Aye Avah" a deep voice shouted my name, but i kept walking. situations like this never ended well plus i was no where close to home, "Bitch i just called you and i know yo dumb ass hear me!" O Yeah, it was time for me to go.

A hand tightened on my shoulder and i whimpered trying to pull away. he pushed me making.me face him, Rico's eyes had death written all over it, the smile he gave me was so calm it almost made me pee my pants. Three niggas stood behind him and a nigga sat in the car "Ive been lokking for you"

"Yo boys knew where i was" i told him looking passed him at his niggas, he chuckled.

"Shut thatvshit up Avah and tell me where the fuck that nigga did with my Memory card"

"Huh?" i didnt know if it would work but i had to play dumb. if this nigga knew i had burned thatvshit to ashes i didnt know what he'd do. even though Cross was with no doubt scarier then Rico, Rico still looked like he'd kill if he didnt gt his way.

"My Memory card, You got that Nigga to come get. Where the fuck is it?" he spat. the vein on his forehead got bigger under his skin and his eyes dialated. He reached and pulled out an all black .45ACP Smith & Wesson M&P45. Holding it in the air pointed at my head.

"Rico, i dont have it" i said slowly back up with my hands up. "Rico please, Please dont -"

i hauled ass, running in the nearest alley. i heard the shots behind.me, the car tires burn against the concrete and Rico and his.nigga running behind me.

This was just like last time exceptRico had balls enough to shot me all over this damn Memory card. I mean sure it was shit i could pin against him, this nigga could be behind bars for the shit that was on the memory card.

A black car pulled up blocking the entrance, MY feet slowed as i turned Rico gripping my shirt and throwing me against the wall .


"Rico please i swear i dont have it. Please dont kill me Rico, i dont got it im telling you" his fist connected to my face and i could feel blood creep from my nose as i fell to the ground only to be pick up and hit again.

Spitting up blood, i felt the wprld move from my feet starting to get dizzy. Hearing them niggas laugh and beat me. i fought back as much as i could but Rico grabbed a handful of my hair and slammed me against the wall "Rico, please dont do this again" i said unable to speak loud, as my vision blured. A guy grabbed at my shirt and starting ripping it off me. Rico gave me a last smirk "This outta teach yo hoe ass" he spat licking his lips and knocking me out cold.

I woke up behind a dumbster, my clothes was ripped to shred and my chest felt caved in and everytime i breathed it felt like i was crushing my lungs. My inner thighs had dry blood smeared on it, my nose had crusted blood on it.

With tears in my eyes, i dialed Cross number. it hirt so bad! I couldnt remember anything just yet, my brain felt swollen and throbbed against my skull "WHERE THE FUCK IS YOU AT AVAH, GOT NIGGAS OVER HERE THINKING U DEAD I TOLD YO FAST ASS STAY IN THE FUCKING-"

i opened my mouth to speak but started gagging up bile, "Ahhhahhha please help me" i cried. the pain felt horidous as i laid their stuck. my ribs felt tight.


I looked around, trying to make out my surrounding. it was morning and the sky was only a dark purple with some light blues. "An alley i think on Floyds Rd"

"Fuck you doing ina alley!"

"Please ce get me, i c-cant b-b-br-breath" my phone went dead and tears fell from my eyes as i stared up at the sky. i couldnt move and i wanted to go home. i wanted to have a home.

An hour later, i laid my breaths became shallows and my vision was getting black when i heard a car hault to a stop. Cross body jogging to me i had to close my eyes...


if any mistakes were made im fix them later.

for now let me know what you think so far .

Avah dont never catch a break :(

Who do yall blame?

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