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In the middle of my sphomore year (only four more months left) Cross was handing me money left and right. I set myself up with Navy Federal account and put the money in a bank. i needed money to get ready for college even though i had three years before than i still wanted to be able to provide for myself when the time was right.

..... Until a plus sign decided to become invisible on that damn preganacy stick. It wasnt the first time i had gotten inpregnanted by Cross but unlike the other ones that got aborted because of Cross i was keeping this baby.

Maria despised me for deciding to keep it but i didnt care. Even though my heart still went out for this woman, i didnt like her.

i didnt want to go through that whole ordeal of killing another innocent life, i couldnt close my eyes for another night for nightmares. Not Again.

Cross begged me to rethink and almost tried to drag me out the house but i fought back and screamed like a mad woman drawing so much attention to us. He was not making me go threw another abortion, NO !

I can handle this child and my education, i mean i been handling ahit for a while now so whats the biggie if i brought a life in the world. i smiled placing my hand on my stomach, Yeah another life.

inside of me.

Once Cross realized i wasnt playing games about my baby, he gave up and lighten up. i had never seen him so happy. i let him be because i be damn if i was ever tellibg my child who the daddy was and if it was a girl or boy, i didnt want the Drugdealing Sick man to touch my child.

A week later, Cross was suppose to be picking me up from the house for my first appointment and to a couple stores i applied for.

But of course he was a no show.

I ended up taking the bus to meet my doctor.

Doctor Mayweather. She was a short lady with tanned skin her her was a light blong pinned up into a bun, with high cheecks beautifully arched eyebrows and rose lips, i couldnt lie, the white woman was pretty. She smiled at me, holding a clip board "Hey, Ms. Skye"

"Avah Skye" i told her shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you. You can call me May, Nervous?" she held the kind smile still as she patted her hand on the chair/table she need me lie on.

"I am a lil" i blushed, i had to admit it was pretty crazy. i still didnt believe i was prganant. what if im happy for nothing.

"Well no need to be, you'll be fine" she nods reaching for some blue gloves then grabbing a bottle she squeezed in her hand "lay down, relax and lift your shirt up so i can rub this on yo tummy" i did as she said "its gonna be cold"

it was magneficent. even though no body of shape was shown, i couldnt here a heart beat yet cause i was to early. My baby was there, and healthy. My baby was There and growing. MY baby !

i felt tears come down as a smile crept on my face, it was a feeling i never had in my life. it was a quick ass shift. Now all my priorities was to this baby growing in me, i could love and protect this baby like.no one ever had done me. Give my child a life she needs, it might be hard at first but i know i was going to be OK.

"Happy or sad tears" May asked placing her palm on my shoulder


"Thats a good thing to here, well your all set for today. im a little worried about your level of you heart beats though, they sound a little tiered and irrgular, are you sure you dont.have any asthma or heart problems?"

"Im positive"

"Is there any stress back at home that can be causing all of this?"

i blinked back tears and shook my head "Well make sure you keep resting, take walks to help your heart get stronger and eat portioned diets to be healthy, i also want you to drink at least 3 bottles of water a day"

"Ok thank you May, i apprciate this alot"

"Thats what im here for, dont forget to talk to Shelia about your next appointment OK?"

"doing it now"

i was so tiered and ready to go home but i couldnt yet, i still had to turn in these applications.

Cross hated the fact that i was looking for a job but i wanted it and was going to have it. Looking at the time it was only 3:40 so after i gave the applications out. i went straifht home took a hot shower. Studied and completed a few papers then closed my eyes.

I didnt have any kinds of symptoms, but i did find myself getting tiered alot lately. even though it was pretty early, i had finished everything i had to do and the bed looked restful.

Lying down in my covers, i moved aroubd until i found a comfratble spot and my heart calmed down, i hadnt heard from Cross all of today and i didnt feel the need to call him or Maria. i closed my eyes and dreamt of my child.

Nobody else, not even me.

just my child.

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