16 . Red

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I sat at the park watching the sun fall and the night take over. It was peacefull as the breeze brushed passed me and slithered threw my hair. i closed my eyes pretending the wind could blow me away.


But i was far gone from those kinds a beliefs and knew that as soon as i opened my eyes, i would still be sitting in the middle of a butt load of bullshit my life threw at me.

It was night time going on 11:30 and i refused to stay in that prison. I wasnt in the mood for shit in that house and just wanted to sit on this bench and listen to the quiet. My cell rung and i answered it without looking "Where the fuck is you at Avah? Do you know what time it is?"

"I went to the school game"i lied, because i knew once i stepped foot in that house Cross was going to expect for me to preform for him. "Im on my way" i hung up. Grabbing my light and Rico's Sim card, i stared at it.

Cross told me too burn it a long time ago but i hadnt ever got the chance. i knew excatly what was on the Memory card, Pussy and text messages about A set-up and couple robberies that needed done. It even had pictures of some dead bodies, all of this was in my hands and i didnt even know it.

But then there was me ... lying limp on the bed. Them niggas were all doing what i knew they did.

so when i sat there watching it burn it was weight lifted of my shoulder. i wouldnt have to worry about anyone seeing what i went threw that night.

This morning had been awkward for me, i woke up with the usual.

a horny cross.

Went to school but had got an excruciating headache so i skipped out and went home. i walked into the kitchen area and saw Cross wiping blood from his hands and taking off a bloody shirt. he was on the phone and didnt see me "Nigga i killed the bitch, i been telling yall to find her hoe ass for months now and im the one who had to handle it..... It dont fucking matter i smoked her ass up, and hid her. You just fucking make sure you dont fuck up again or next time its all three of yall ass" he hung up and he looked at me with cold eyes "Fuck is you home from school so early for?"

I stood up from the bench and sign, Rico's sim Card was now just ashes and the smell of burning metal filled the air around me. I walked into the forest, it was a short cut to my house when i saw it. before i could even step in the forest a smell hit my nose.

It wasnt a smell of rot but it smelled old and sick like it was about to rot. I could smell perfume too, mixed in with the sickening smell.

Curiousity took over me as my cell rung again .. It was Cross and i let it keep ringing as i followed the smell it was off the forest path. i took my phone out and used the light to guide me. As i got closer the smell grew more intense. i was deep in the forest getting bit up by misquito's. leaves and stickes broke in sounds as i slowly walked.

i paused seeing something, just a shadow, i lifted my light and made out a figure as a hand.

a womans hand.

i was going to run cause i knew it was a body, it was so hot and musty out it pushed tears out my eyes. i got closer making out the long freezy jet black hair. her torn shirt rest on her face, as i examined her body. bullet holes pericing her chest.

she had lost the color she probably had and it was now a pale sick whiteish tan color. maggots and flys already feasted on the wounds. i covered my mouth and gaged taking a step back.

It was sick and the smell was terrible! At first it was distantly faint but now it was, it was a dead smell.

As i stared at this dead lady with blood covering every inch of her.

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