Saki's Love of Fish

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Saki rubbed her sleepy blue eyes as she rose from her bed. She brushed her long blue hair with her hands, although it was still a bit messy, she didn't seem to mind. After going through her morning routine, showering, getting dressed, and brushing her hair with a hairbrush this time, she walked back into her room. She picked up a container of fish flakes and proceeded to pour them into the large fish tank below her bed. She had a waterbed, and inside the water bed were fish as well. She opened the cap on the water bed and poured fish flakes into the bed, feeding these fish too. Each of her fish tanks were named, and one fish in each tank was named as well. She called them 'captains' of their respective tanks. Mittens of the water bed, Louie of the tank at the foot of her bed, Azalea of the tank embedded into the wall above her bed, and Scarlet of the tank below her floor, which was made from fiber glass. A transparent rug was placed on top of the fiberglass, giving it a blue tint, as well as ensuring that the glass would not break if something fell on it.

On the wall next to her bed, there was a mini-fridge and a sink, a counter with a microwave on it, and between the fridge and the microwave was a mini TV. A flat game console was hooked up to the TV, and two controllers were connected to the console. A row of boxes underneath the counter had video games inside, as well as controllers and other accessories for that gaming system.

On the floor next to the fridge, there was a small bowl with small pellets inside. This was food for her cat, Mizuko. It didn't appear to be in her room at that moment, however. She quietly smiled while pouring fish flakes into Azalea's tank. This was where all of her larger fish were kept. The fish in Scarlet's tank swam around as they heard Saki's footsteps, and they could see her walking toward a window in the glass, where she would soon drop in food for them as well. She smiled. She loved her fish. Her father had bought them all for her about a month before her parents divorced. They had kept her happy, even knowing that her father bought them for her only so she would stay happy while coping with the divorce. Fish made Saki overly excited, and would make her overflow with happiness and joy. She loved fish to the extent of telling others to refrain from eating them, as to her, fish are friends and not food. She had many arguments prepared for those who tried to tell her she was wrong. One time, someone had told her that fish were healthy and that she should eat them. She responded that fish are the cause of a disease in male cats, and that if eating fish can make a cat sick, it probably could do the same to a human.

Once, she had even taken all the sushi from an all-you-can-eat Asian buffet, put them in a bowl, and let them go in a lake somewhere. She didn't realize the fish were dead, but it didn't matter to her. She had a boyfriend once who she broke up with because he wanted her to eat fish with his family; and another who brought her fishing with him got frustrated her because she wanted to keep all the fish they caught as pets.

Her prized possession was her headphones. They were designed after a butterfly fish's fins, and were a royal blue color. Even her cell phone had a small fish on the back of its case. She owned a swimsuit where the top was made from clam shells, and the bottom draped down like a mermaid tail.

Clearly, Saki loved fish.

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