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If you knew how he felt
All wrapped around
Twisted in wires
With no one with a desire to set him free
If you knew his wounds bled at every heart beat
Would you care
Would you care
He thought he had left his feelings high in the sky but the air brought them back across his tongue
The taste as bitter as a vipers venom
A shudder of pain
He wished he was numb
That maybe he wouldn't have to feel the pin prick of needles up and down his arms
If only they would become alarmed
But all turned and ignore him
He had a healthy smile, but a swamp for a heart
Slumping down in his chair, he took sad breath through the tears at night
If only someone cared that he was alright
If only someone cared to see
He got up each day to be left alone
His Skelton was a lonely home
The word rang in his mind
Just maybe he will be alright

In Between The LinesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang