Just give her time

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Give her two years.
Give her two years to grow.
Beauty takes time, and she's been hurt before.
Give her time to place back the pieces.

Give her time to mend her heart.
You can't ask her to give you something that's nothing longer hers, her heart.
She's fighting to let go.

Sometimes she even fights to breath.
She prays each night for the man he used to be. Give her time to become free.
One day all this pain she's feeling will fade.
She'll awake up, and be okay.
But today she needs time.

She needs time to herself.
She needs time for regrowth.
She can't give you a heart that beats until it's placed back into her chest.

Give her time to place back the broken pieces. Give her time to show her glass colored mural of broken shards.

Give her time to share her story.
You can't ask her to give you what she can't. But in time she'll fulfill your every wish.
Just give her time.

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