Hard Journey

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Save me I'm melting inside
All the wires are fried
Thoughts all gone astray
Needing to find back my way.
My peace flew away, and I'm grasping, and reaching at the sky.
Begging the thoughts to quiet, and wishing my mind wasn't such a riot.
This journey is hard on me, but I keep walking moving forward.
I tell myself it will get better as my insides melt, and drip like melted wax down a candle.
This is sometimes far to much for me to handle. I paint my smile on my face and drive head first into the waves.
This journey is hard on me, but I will not stop until I find my resting place.
I tell myself it will get better because in time it will.
But today I drag my feet, and hope for the galaxy to turn in my favor.

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