Some choice

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The journey was uncertain, and the sword was dull.
The demon's called, and the angel's sang.
It was a war fought, but not by many since many would lose.

Some listened to the singing of the angels, and their heavenly harmony, and some listened to the devils demon crew.

Some tremendously fought.
While Some bowed down to the demons without a word said.
some knew better, and what was up ahead. They cried out to be heard to be delivered from the demon cries.

The journey was uncertain, and the sword was dull in the beginning for these children,
but some could not be fooled by hell.

They prevailed and sharpened the blade.
The journey then became clearer than a starless night sky for some, while some slumped down in restless dark prayers.

The journey gave two paths, and became certain for some, while remaining uncertain for some.
Some fought a war, and some bowed to a dark king.

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