If I Told You

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If I told you the truth would you love me.
If I told you my anxiety holds a whip looming over me and that at one wrong move it will take a strike.
Crackle and pop!

If I told you I'm really insecure and that I need assurance that you still loved me everyday would you stay?

If I told you the past brought me more than just pain,
but mistakes would you still look at my face? Would you accept me and my flaws?

Would you be mad if I told you baby,
I'll leave if I'm not worth accepting?
Would you baby, tell me?
Because right now I can walk away and forget the day we met and follow my quest to find the one who accepts me for me.

So, please baby tell me if you are worth staying for.
If not I'll hit road,
I've finally found that much control.

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