You are a masterpiece

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Don't let them label you.
Don't let them take over you.
They are always trying to put you in a place, and clearly you don't fit into their cubic square.
Fight against the mold.

Be bolder than their judging eyes
You are strong.
You are one of a kind, and you can't be defined by society.
You are much more than a mold.

You are a sculpture; a golden masterpiece, and you don't fit into just one category
They only laugh nervously, because you can't be told what to be, and this confuses little minds that laugh, and point fingers at brilliant minds.

They are just afraid of the bold,
because they're not meant to be shaped, and molded.

Don't let them label you when you are a variety of water rainbow color.
You are much more than a mold.
You, baby are a masterpiece!

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