The thought of you

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One month, two months, three months,
a year.
I still want you, my long lost dear.
My heart, you didn't want its love,
yet it still calls out your name in every century.

You told me one time you wanted my love, and name tattooed upon your heart, yet our love faded with the midnight dark.

You promised this is what you wanted a world for you and I.

Yet, tonight you only rest in my restless thoughts.
I beg the stars to take the thought of you away,
yet the galaxy refused to give me the gravity to let you float away in the Milky Way.

Now, I travel the stars to find the shooting star to wish you away.
As, I lay under the bed of heaven on the green grass I miss your warmth.
Destiny calls out to me to let your memory fade.

I lay upon the grass at midnight under the moon thinking of you, the one that got away. But in the morning I shall rise with the sun and realize my life is supposed to carry on without your presence.

I only wish to the stars to take away your memory of the person I wished you would be. I'm calling out to the universe to send me the one meant for me.

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