A want to succeed

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I dig my nails in deep.
This is more than something I'm wanting.
I'm burning inside this ferocious flame,
that lights the fields ablaze, and turns the skies into gray ashes.

I'm clawing at the ground, hoping for this passion to be found.
I aim my gun.

I'm wound up.

My souls whisper has become more than a voice on the quiet midnight wind.
Hollering as each decimal gets reached.
Glasses shattering.
Thunder booms.
Hard work in the room.

Nerves on fire this is my desire.
Wearing the ashes as my crown, and blood as my perfume.

A soul breaking fiber by fiber, and dancing in the mountains lava.

This is my desire to succeed.
A desire to more than just be.
Ashes to dust.

Lying upon the mud.
Eyes pointed towards the sky.
Tonight we'll see exactly what it all means.

A soul set a blaze, and a mind in a haze. This ferocious being. All wants that are just a need to succeed.

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