"He hurt you!" Robin scowled darkly at me. "He punched you, Blu! Or have you forgotten that?!"

"No." I took a deep breath to calm myself a bit. "My face is still hurting. Of course I still remember his punch. My point is, he wronged me...not you!"

"This is my home! He hurt you in my home! In your home! That bastard violated you in your own safe space! That bastard should be dead!" Robin's emotions are so high.

"Sure..." I nodded. "But not by your hands. He wronged me. Not you. You have no right to humiliate anyone like that just because you are richer than everyone living right now. Slapping Tim with money on his face. Pushing him out of the team, in front of your teammates and captain. Gabe was there! He's the one that should decide about Tim's place on your team. Not you..."

"My Uncle paid for the facilities we use in the pool and he sponsors our uniforms and provide the transpostation when we compete. He does it because of me. Because I am part of that team. Me! I own that swimming team!"

"You own money," I told Robin sadly. "Gabe is the captain of the swim team. You and Tim are part of it. In equal grounding. You just have more money."

"And I can see that it doesn't impress you..." Robin sneered in annoyance.

"I think no one in your party was impressed. After that display you did, they now either hate you or scared of you. This is how you lose friends, Robin. They are your teammates. Your friends. And you just showed them how easy it is for you to kick them out. How easy it is for you to throw them away. That's wrong..."

Robin stared at me, "I did it for you." He said.

"I didn't ask for it. I begged you out there to stop it. You just don't listen. You won't listen." I sighed. I am tired and just plain drain from what happened. "I think you need to be by yourself and think about that you just did. You can still fix this..."

"How? By calling Gabe and telling him that Tim is still on the team?" Robin asked in a mocking tone.

"For starters, yeah..." I nodded.

"No. I cannot abide that jerk. If I got in the same pool as that bastard, I will really drown him." Robin said with promise on his tone and eyes.

He is frustrating. I swear. "God you are impossible..." I turned away from him because I don't know how to argue with him anymore.

But Robin caught my elbow this time. "Where do you think you are going? I told you, no one is leaving this room. You will stay here with me!"

I tried to push his hand from my elbow but Robin didn't budge. I settled on glaring at him. "Why will I listen to you when you won't listen to me?" I pointed the tip of my nose upward. "I want to go out there and catch AnneMarie. And if you are thinking straight, I think you will want to go after Gabe and your swim team so you can talk about this again."

"No!" Robin uttered stubbornly. "We will stay here. You will stay here. I did it for you! I did it all for you!"

"I didn't ask for it!"

"Then you shouldn't have let yourself get punched!"

"I didn't ask to get punch as well!" Is he kidding me? What kind of sane person would want to get punch?! "I didn't ask for it. Tim was drunk. He and Ricky decided to come here in the Master's quarters to check your room..."

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