Thank You Note

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If anyone is a hero in this story, its you, my dear readers. Thank you for all the patience in waiting for the chapters to be publish. Thank you for not leaving this story even if the author herself doesn't know where it will go. Thank you for sticking with me, Blu and Robin. Thank you thank you so much.

It was such a journey. I know I could do more in this story but I just feel like the boys has been through so much that they need an easy ending. It was memorable for me, thats for sure.

Anyways, its done. I'm satisfied with it. I'm happy I get to finish it. It was a rollercoaster ride for me. I'm glad I got to the end of it without actually giving up.

Again, I want to thank everyone who voted, liked and commented on this story. Your feedbacks helped a lot. I promise.

Thats it for "It Will End In A Kiss". Thank you for loving all the characters, even their flaws. Thank you for liking the story. Just...thank you thank you so much.

See you all again on the next one.



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