Chapter 21

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Ashton's P.O.V.

I wake up to Emma jummping on the bed. "Wake Up Ash" She screams. "I'm up" I say. "Good Morning" she says falling on me. I let out a little groan when she lands and then wrap my arms around her waist. "Why'd you wake me up?" I ask her. "I'm bored" She says. I kiss her nose. "What do you want me to do about it?" I ask. "I dont know just intertain me" She says. "Okay, just let me up" I say. She giggles and gets off me. I go imto the bathroom and do what I need to do. When I come out Emma is sitting on the bed. "What do you want to do?" I ask her. "I dont know thats why I woke you up" She says. I go over to the bed and sit on the edge and lay back looking up at her. "I say we get something to eat. I'm starving" I suggest. "Okay. But what will we do after?" She asks. "I dont know" I say. She kisses my forehead. "You're no help" She says getting off the bed. I just laugh and grab the room survice menu and look at the breakfast part. "Your laugh is cute" Emma says sitting beside me. "Thank you. What do you want to eat?" I ask. "Bacon" She practically screams. "Weirdo" I say lightly pushing her shoulder. "You love me" She smiles. "That is true" I say. She blushes a little and hides her face in her hands. "You dont have to hide" I say moving her hands. 'You're cute when you blush" I say makeing her blush harder. She goes to cover her face agiain but I grab her hands and kiss her. When I pull away she smiles "I love you" She says. "I love you more" I reply. "Not possible" She says. "Oh its possible" I say. "Shut up and order the food" She says lightly smaking my arm. I call room survice and order some bacon and eggs for Emma and pancakes for me. I also get chocolate milk for us to drink.

Emma's P.O.V

After we eat our food I lie down on the chouch in the hotel room."I'm bored" I say. Ashton comes over and sits on me. "What do you want me to do about it." He asks. "Intertain me. But first get your big but off me" I scream trying to shove him off me. "You think I'm fat?" He asks before he satrs pretending to cry."I thought you loved me" He continues to fake cry getting up and running to the other side of the room. I try not to laugh and go over to him. "I do love you baby. I just dont want you sitting on me" I say sitting beside him wrapping my arms around him and kissing his cheek. 'All better" He smiles before kissing me. "Good." I say getting up. He gets up to. "So what should we do?" He asks. "I dont know" I say for what feels like the one millionth time today. Then there is a knock on the door. "I got it" He says. He gets the door and its the boys. "Hi" I say. "Hi" They reply. "Sorry Emma but we are taking Ashton for the day to hang out. " Luke says. "Okay but if he comes back with green hair I'm blaming Michael" I say. "I dont think green would look good on him, maybe a blonde or black" Michael says. "Either way dont change is hair color" I warn. "I'm not gonna change the color of my hair, but i do need to change my clothes." Ashton says. "Then change boy" Calum says. Ashton grabs some clothes and goes into the bathroom. Luke runs up and hugs me. "I havent seen my best friend in forever" He says sqeezing me. "You saw me last night" I say. "That was so long ago" He says hugging me tighter. "Cant breathe" I say. "Sorry he says and lets go. "Wheres my hug?" Calum pouts. I walk over and hug him. "Happy now Cal" I say letting go. "Very" he smiles and i see Mikey pouting in the back. 'Wanna hug to Mikey?" I ask. He just nodds. I wals over to him and wrap my arms around him givning him a hug. As soon as do Ashton comes out of the bathroom and clears his thought. I let go and jump about a foot away. "You ready to go?" Luke asks him" . "Yea, lets go" Ashton says walking over to me and kissing me. "I love you" He says. "I love you" I smile. Then they leave. After they leave I text Dawn.

To: Dawn

I'm bored

she replies instantly


So am I Harry went to hang out with the other boys

To: Dawn

Ashton did the same.

To: Emma

Im comming over



I hurry up and freshen up my deoterant and purfume that i had on since this morning then Dawn is here. "Hey babes" She says when I open the door. "Hello sweetie" I smile and hug her.

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