Issue #39: Team Bonding Activities Part 6: Tactical Error

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Canary and I kept dodging electricity shots as Caitlin started freezing up the ground. I rolled over to Nightwing.

"Hey! Dickhead! Wake up!" I shouted. "I need your bombs!" Livewire shot electricity at both of us and I pulled him out of the way.

"You've flipped flopped so many times during this fight how do I know to-"


"I don't know how you tyrants work on the Justice League yet, but I'm pretty sure she outranks you. What is she? The Sergeant General of Bitchiness?" I said. Nightwing hesitated before giving me a handful of clay dough? with wires sticking out of them and a detonator.

"Flip the switch open to activate them and then press the button to detonate them." Nightwing said.

"Thanks. Now, TAKE A HIKE!" I said before kicking him in the face. After I did I was shocked in the back. "Ow." I muttered on the ground. Livewire was closing in on me before Canary kicked her down to the ground. "You can jump that high?"

"Maybe if you weren't leaving I could teach you how to." Canary said. "So are you ready or what?"

"Don't know." I said before looking at the amount of ice on the ground. Caitlin still had some ways to go. "We need to stall a little longer for Snowflake."

"Alright, time to blast you back to Waller!" Livewire shouted before charging up a giant electricity ball.

"Holy shit that looks like it could cause a power outage all the way to Coast City." Canary said.

"Let's see, I can't play the turncoat angle again..." I said. That's when I came up with an idea... that I didn't like. "CAITY! DON'T LOOK OVER HERE FOR LIKE TEN SECONDS!"

"Why? What are you-" Canary began to say before I dipped her into a kiss. I had my eyes for the first portion of the kiss. I heard Canary fight it for the first few seconds but slowly as it went on she seemed to... sink into it? I opened my eyes to see Canary's eyes half lidded and Livewire's shocked expression turn into an angry one. I was too afraid to look over at Caitlin. Livewire shot over to me and grabbed me by the shirt electrocuting me.

"OH! SO WHEN IT'S ME YOU CAN'T CHEAT ON FROSTY BUT WHEN IT'S THE BIRD BITCH YOU'RE HEAD OVER HEELS!? YOU'RE DEAD!" Livewire said before Canary pulled her back and kicked her in the face. Despite not actually using her powers, Livewire started shooting electricity sporadically, which was exactly what I needed. Canary went for a punch to her face before Livewire zapped out of the way. She tried to electrocute Canary, but she flipped out of the way and shouted at her, making Livewire slide against the ice. Livewire went for a punch and Canary dodged it before Canary kicked her once in the face then on the back of the head as her foot went back down.

"Alright, looks like everything's ready!" I said. "Canary, Get out of the pit!" Canary nodded before sliding over to the edge and jumping out. I looked over at Livewire and threw the clay by her. "And by the way, you still should've totally hit me with that electric ball when I was kissing Canary." I told her before flipping the switch. The ice then melted around her and Livewire fell into the water, electrocuting herself. A few stray bolts of electricity hit me from time to time. "Ow! Ow! Alright I need to get out of here!" I said before jumping up and over the barrier. As I did I saw Caitlin staring at me with a cold "I'm gonna kill you" face.

"...I should've stayed in the pit."

Canary POV

I sat in front of (Y,N) and Frost's door as I heard them fighting on the other side. Definitely about me. I could've gone in there and told Frost that the kiss was a tactical play and meant... nothing, but I know enough about these Frosts that the one thing they all have in common are they are ironically hot headed.

"Oh, hey." I heard someone say. I saw Barbara walking over to me with an ice pack on her head. "Is (Y,N) alright? We were out and-"

"I know. Is (Y,N) alright? No. He has a few burns from the electricity that he refuses to let anyone look at. Is his relationship alright? No. Did he beat Livewire? Yes."

"Wait, what's wrong with (Y,N) and Killer Frost?"

"He kissed me."

"He what?" Barbara said agitatedly.

"Alright, first off, it was a strategic move. Livewire was about to hit us with a ball of electricity that was big enough to kill everyone in the area and cause a massive power outage. Apparently she also has a crush on him and was trying to get him to cheat on Frost with her all night. Second, don't get all pissy at me because you wish you were the home wrecker."

"I did not want to be the home wrecker!"

"You took him out in a sexy dress, your drunk ass admitted it to him you only were the dress for him, then took him into a couple's radio show segment." I said before the shouts from the other side of the door became louder.

"You never kissed Harley or Duela first!"

"Because The Squad didn't strategize and there was never a reason to kiss them first! The only time I kissed Harley she kissed me as a goodbye present and I didn't kiss back!"

"So what you're saying is the reason you never kissed her was because the opportunity never presented itself in 'the middle of a mission'!?"

"You're taking things purposely out of context now! You just wanna justify you being shitty for no reason!"

"I'M BEING SHITTY!?" Frost said before it sounded like she was using her powers. They started talking quieter before (Y,N) walked out of the door with his hands in his pockets looking disenfranchised with everything. I could see an ice wall behind me. (Y,N) looked at me and Barbara standing there.

"Frost thinks we need to take a break." He said before quickly walking away.

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