Issue #14: Assault On Arkham Part 6: Return to Arkham Part 4

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Harley POV


No... no...


Stop it!

Oh, Harley... you know what they say...

Love Kills.

"YOU STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" I shouted waking up. I started panting and looked over to see Duela by a wall.

"What's your problem?" She asked me.

"I had a nightmare. About Mr. J and (Y,N) and..." I trailed off not wanting to think about it anymore. "What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Uhhhhhhhhhh..." She was obviously trying to think of an excuse and failing. She sighed. "I was trying to listen in on (Y,N) and Killer Frost."

"You realize they're in like a whole other hall, right?"

"I know but I can't sleep. And it's driving me insane... more insane than I already am. I just want to know what they're doing."

Your POV

I woke up to see the room with ice frozen on all of the walls and the ceiling. I realized after that Caitlyn was asleep on top of me... absolutely naked. Score! She started to wake up, too and smiled at me.

"You're awake." She said before kissing me on the cheek. She looked down. "Someone else is awake, too." She said smiling. "After all he is the reason I woke up."

"Well can you blame me?" She laughed.

"Nope." She booped me on the nose.

"So... one more round before the mission tonight?" She got up from underneath the covers.

"Maybe after I take a shower. I'll be out in a minute." She said walking into the bathroom. I decided to put some pants on before I realized... what the hell am I gonna do about the ice? I was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I slowly panicked before I opened the door. I saw Duela standing there but... she didn't have white skin. She had a peach skin color and instead of her costume she had on a black shirt that was slightly big on her and she wasn't wearing any pants, but the shirt covered up her panties. I could see a single purple bra strap on one of her shoulders.

"Duela?" I said.

"Hey, (Y,N)! Can I come in?" She said.

"Uhhhhhhhh sure." I said. I slowly opened the door.

"Jeez, what happened here?" She said looking at all the ice.

"Cait... had a tantrum. We couldn't decide what to watch so she started freezing stuff until she got what she wanted." I said for a cover up.

"Well, why don't we watch something? We can watch whatever you want~." She said.

"I guess we can kill some time before we go on the mission." I said putting on my shirt from yesterday. "Just give me a minute." I said before grabbing a pen and paper and writing "I'm watching a movie in Duela's room. I'll be back. -(Y,N)". I looked back at Duela and said "Let's Go." before we left. We walked down the halls (I walked, Duela skipped around me) when I finally thought I should discuss the elephant in the room. "Duela?"


"I couldn't help but noticed that you're not... 'Jokery'."

"I know. It was basically a part of my identity for a while but I decided this morning that I should lay off it when I'm not doing missions. It's gonna take me an hour to get ready tonight but still, I thought you'd enjoy the change." She said.

"I'd enjoy the change?"

"Yeah. You do like it don't you?"

"I guess it's an improvement."

"Good." She said jumping onto my back. We walked into her room with Harley no where to be seen. I dropped her on the bed.

"I'll be out in a second, I have to use the bathroom." I said. Duela giggled about something. "What?"

"Nothing. Just do what you gotta do." She said holding back a laugh. I raised an eyebrow before walking into the bathroom. When I walked in I saw Harley completely naked about to reach for a towel. She shrieked when she heard the door open and quickly grabbed the towel.

"DUELA! I SAID I WA- Oh. Heya, Handsome." Harley said when she saw me. After she did she dropped her towel.

"Harley! I-I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in here!" I said as I covered my eyes. I enjoy the view but still, there's a thin line between Gentleman and Boomerang.

"Nah it's fine. What's up?" She said casually. Duela walked over to me and grabbed me by the shirt. For a small psycho she's pretty strong.

"That didn't go as planned." She said to herself before sitting me down on her bed and closing the bathroom door.

. . .

"How'd you know I love Psycho!?" Duela and Harley said as "Mother" stabbed the girl in the shower scene. I looked at both of them.

"...Lucky guess." I said. After I did someone Knocked on the door. Duela scoffed and said "it's open!". Caitlyn opened the door and she didn't seem pissed as I thought she would be.

"Hey, clowns. Hey, Bullet Boy." She said. "What're you watching?"

"Psycho. The 1960 version." I said. I think Caitlyn got goosebumps.

"I hate horror movies. Well I don't hate them, they just scare me. I'm a huge wimp when it comes to these." She said as she sat on the bed behind me, as Duela was on my right and Harley was on my left. She leaned into my ear and whispered "You still owe me round 3." We continued to watch the movie and Cait kept holding onto me after every death scene. I could tell Harley and Duela were jealous that they couldn't react the same way because they've seen this movie 100 times and it wouldn't make sense to still be scared at some points (if they ever actually were scared of those parts). At the end someone knocked on the door. Harley groaned and paused the movie.

"WHADDYA WANT!?" She shouted at the door.

"Deadshot said to get ready. We live for the mission in 20." Croc said.

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