Issue #38: Team Bonding Activities Part 4: Friend or Foe?

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"Hey, bird boy! Buzz off!" Livewire shouted before shooting electricity at Dick. He jumped over the bolts doing some acrobatic shit before throwing one of his dumb batons at Livewire. On contact it electrocuted her, making her slightly flinch. "Thanks for cushioning the blow, idiot!" She said before shooting another shock at him.

"I'm the idiot? You used 'bird boy' as an insult when I'm not even named after a bird anymore." He said before rolling out of the way. "Well, either your dumb or unoriginal. I guess that explains why you got fired from your old job, huh?" Nightwing said. Livewire growled before I put a hand out.

"Hey, relax! I've got this son of a bitch!" I said. Dick and I stared at each other intently not saying a word. Then I finally said "...I'm gonna break your fucking arm." before pulling out one of my Pistols from before and shooting at him. He used his batons to block the bullets somehow. "Seriously!? You bullet proofed your batons! That's dumb!" He kept swatting the bullets away and ran towards me before swatting the gun out of my hand and kicking me to the ground.

"I can't believe Batgirl and Supergirl ever trusted you." He said putting a foot to my chest.

"I can't believe you dumped Batgirl for some dumb orange alien bitch." I said. Nightwing kicked me in in the jaw.

"Don't talk about Kori like that!"

"I also can't believe your name's Dick... also Kori's a guy's name." I said before I pulled out my second gun and grazed his face. I'm still not allowed to kill no matter how much I want to. He let go of me and held his face before I kipped up and took off my brown coat as well as my dumb flash shirt (because quite frankly I was sick of wearing it).

"Wowie..." I looked over and saw Livewire gawking at me and smirked. Guess I'm irresistible to blue chicks. Neat. I looked back over to Nightwing and shot him in the leg. He held his leg in pain now exposing the red covering the side of his face. I ran towards him and rolled underneath a wild swing from his batons before kicking the back of his leg. He kneeled down on one leg and I kicked the back of his head before grabbing his arm. I wrapped one around my foot before grabbing his other one.

"CERO MIEDO!" I shouted before I pulled back and drove his elbow into my knees. He started writhing around in pain. "And people still think Lucha Libre sucks." I asked as I watched him.

"I... wow..." Was all Livewire said before walking over to me. "I'm surprised you're so... vicious. I kinda like that." She said squatting down next to me. She started leaning closer to me and I started leaning back.

"Hey! Frost girlfriend! How many times am I going to have to remind you women about that tonight!?" I said.

"Oh come on! Like cheating's the worst thing you've ever done." Livewire said with a smirk. I had leaned all the way back now and my back was on the ground. Livewire inched closer and closer before she saw Nightwing getting up... using both his arms. Shit. "What the-" She began to say before someone punched her so hard she went flying into the radio contest set.

"What happened to 'I have a girlfriend'?" Kara asked now in her Supergirl costume.

"I was literally just making that speech to her before you showed up!" I said. I then caught her staring at something. Oh yeah. Shirtless. "Hey! Do you have my (H/N) stuff!?" I shouted making her come back to her senses.

"Huh? Oh, y-yeah I-... What's up with him?" Kara asked pointing at Nightwing. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey dickhead! Get up! Didn't anyone ever tell you wrestling's fake, you mark!?" I said.

"What did you do to him!? He has a bullet hole in his leg!"

"Alright, to be fair, he hit me in the head with his baton thingy!"

"So you shot him!?"

"Twice." I said. Supergirl looked at me with an upset glare. "He also kicked me in the face!" We heard rumbling from the contest set and Livewire start to get up. "Make sure all the innocents get out of here before I actually start trying. Last time I did that a city of Ape people became a city of... ash."

"That was you!?"

"Woman! Give me my shit and go make sure those people don't die!" I said. Kara groaned and tossed me my stuff before zooming off. I started by putting on my mask and then my jacket before I started setting up my gadgets and coming up with a plan.

"You're... not working with Livewire?" I saw Nightwing back up to one knee.

"No, idiot! If I was I would've done the Shayna Baszler move and not the Pentagon Jr. move on you! Everyone knows MMA is real!" I said. "Besides I've got a job working with your 'Family' in a couple days and I don't need all of them hating me. Especially Barbara." I said.

"You're what?"

"Look, are you gonna keep sitting there and being a little bitch or are you gonna help me before Leslie starts electrocuting innocent people?" I asked. "Do you have any thing explodie on you?"

"Only to open locked doors when there aren't any vents near by."

"You don't just ram a van into it?... Or a Croc?" I asked getting sidetracked. "Whatever, that's perfect. When I say 'go', you're gonna throw a bunch of those at the ground."

"What the hell are you planning?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I asked cocking my new wrist rockets. Nightwing then grabbed my arm.

"You're not shooting anyone else tonight!" He said.

"What the- are we really going to have this conversation now!?" I asked. "If you don't let me shoot LIVEWIRE, the villain we're both after and are trying to stop before she hurts anyone, then she's going to-" I said before A huge bolt of electricity shocked me and Nightwing.

"What was that!?" Livewire asked with hate in her eyes.

"...I said I still think Kori is a guy's name." I said realizing I was dead.

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