Issue #3: Planet of the Apes Part 1: Two Clowns and a Heat Vampire

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Your POV

I sat in my cell playing Solitaire while I was bored. I decided I should try to make friends.

"So...this place sucks, right?" I said to Boomerang and Frost.

"Oh so now you want to talk?" Frost said. She was probably still annoyed about me not talking to her.

"Sorry about that, but it's really easy to give you a cold shoulder when you know that if I ever kissed you, you'd literally suck the life out of me." I said. Boomerang laughed when he heard "cold shoulder".

"Shut it, Boomerang!" Killer Frost shouted at him.

"Relax, luv! Just havin' a laugh! Kid's just trying to be friendly! Anyway, don't mind her. Just stick with Old Digger and you'll do fine in this hellhole, mate!" Killer Frost scoffed.

"Don't listen to that idiot. You'll be better off with me. Duela and I know what it's like to be the new person after knowing they've already had missions without you... but Duela is-"

"Bonkers." Boomerang finished the sentence for her.

"Right. And Boomerang has almost died the most out of us. That's both in having Waller threaten to blow him up and on the battlefield."

"That just proves how much of a survivor I am!"

"Wait, Waller was serious about the bombs?" I asked.

"That's what I said!" Frost said.

"I guess great minds think alike, huh, Snowflake?" I said.

"Uh oh, mate. She doesn't really like nicknames." Boomerang warned me.

"Actually, I like snowflake." Frost said. "But, 'Cap'n', if you call me it, I'm going to turn you into a popsicle. And..." Frost stopped as she realized she actually didn't know my name. I guess Waller referred to me as "That Guy" when she sent them after me.

"(Y,N)." I said.

"(Y,N), I'm not really sure if we're on the same mind field. I have a phd and according to Waller you're a filthy delinquent."

"I'm pretty sure to Waller you're a criminal murderer that's only serviceable as a human puppet." I said. "But I think you're a lot more than that."

"And I think you're a lot more than a delinquent."

"Hey, luv. About the popsicle thing, I'm totally fine with that as long as you start locking me after." Boomerang said. The room temperature lowered an extreme amount after he said it. "I WAS JUST KIDDIN', LUV! CALM DOWN!" He said. The temperature returned to normal and Killer Frost snickered in her cell.

Batgirl POV

I arrived to Blackgate and walked in.

"Batgirl? This is a surprise." Renee Montoya said as I walked in.

"I could say the same for you. Why are you on guard duty at Blackgate and not on the field?"

"Beats me. Anyway what brings you here?"

"I'm here to check on one of the prisoners. Any idea where Floyd Lawton's cell is?" I asked her.

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