Issue #53: A Short Reprieve

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I woke up with a pounding headache. I sat up and then had a horrible chest pain. I stretched and felt an aching pain in my arms. "Yeah, seems about right." I muttered. "Is this what it feels like to be Batman? Cuz it sucks." I looked over to my left and saw Babs asleep in a chair. She was out of her Batgirl costume and instead in some street clothes, meaning she left and came back for some reason. She was in a Gotham University hoodie and black and pink pajama pants with a big backpack in the chair next to her. A phone started ringing and I looked over at a nightstand next to the bed. It must've been Bab's. It had a little phone case around it with a cute bat peaking out the top. I looked at the caller ID and it said "Black Canary". I looked over to the still unconscious Barbara. I'm not gonna lie, she looked cute. I decided I might as well answer it for her. "Hey, Laurie."

"Listen, Barbara- Wait, (Y,N)?"

"What, does Babs call you Laurie, too?"

"No in fact, you better stop calling me Laurie. Anyway, you answering the phone made this a lot easier. Where's Barbara anyway?"


"At 1 in the afternoon?"

"It's one in the afternoon!?" I said before covering my mouth and looking over at Babs. She was still asleep. "Wait, are you sure you're not in some dumb time zone? Or whatever weird time zone space falls under?"

"It's actually 7 pm where I am."

"Oh. Well, to be honest I just woke up, too. We had a long night last night."

"How so?"

"Welllllllll I kinda got my shit pushed in by Bane and getting my wounds treated in a broken down school for juvenile delinquents instead of in a hospital." I said. I could've swore I heard someone in the background say "what!?" and Dinah whisper "relax!" "Who's there with you?" I asked.

"We'll get to that when we get to that but before we do, you're saying you fought Bane?"

"Well before that I fought a bunch of his Lackeys that kidnapped Red Robin, he's like on life support or something by the way, won those fights, but then Bane showed up, almost ripped Orphan's arm off and would've probably killed all of us until my best friends showed up."

"Where was Barbara during all of this?"

"She was supposed to come and help us before Bane showed up but then she and Kate got distracted trying to arrest the same best friends that later saved my ass."


"Batwoman's real name is Kate Kane... don't tell anyone I told you her secret identity. If Jason didn't already tell me her secret identity months ago I would've probably had a meltdown over how much her name sounds like Killer Frost's."

"Killer Frost? What happened to 'Caitlin' or 'Caity' or 'Snowflake'?"

"Listen, those memories of her kinda died when she tried to murder me. And the ones that didn't I tried to drown with alcohol."


"Oh yeah, I was on a binger for awhile. I'm surprised I didn't kill myself after everything went down." I said. "Hey, at the beginning of the conversation you said me answering the phone would've made things a lot easier, why?" I asked.

"...Actually about that, I'm going to have to call you again some other time. I'll let Barbara know when I need to talk to you.•

"Uhhhhhh, Okay?"

"I'll talk to you later (Y,N). Try not to die before then, okay? And tell Barbara the next time she lets something like what happened with Bane happen again I'm gonna kick her ass."

. . .

"Uh, Okay. Talk to you later I guess." (Y,N) said before hanging up the phone. I looked over at Killer Frost crying next to me. Or attempting to, but the tears just kept freezing. "Look, I'm sure-"

"H-He hates me!" She was able to whimper before crying some more. What a difference a week makes. After the shit with (Y,N) went down she was given one last chance to be on JLU, and was playing up a cold hearted bitch gimmick, especially giving me the cold shoulder. We were at each other's throats before I finally tore her a new one over the whole kiss thing in front of Zantana, Hawkman, Plastic Man, and Ollie before telling her she had no right to blame me for her relationship failing when she was the one who essentially broke up with (Y,N) and drove him away. Something about that must have clicked with her because she came to me earlier today asking if there was some way to help her contact (Y,N) and apologize. Reluctantly I decided to, but only to help (Y,N) since I assumed he was still hurt, but I didn't imagine he was that shattered about everything. "I'm such a asshole! Now if he doesn't drink himself to death he's going to get himself killed now that I'm not there to look after him! And it's all my fault!"

"Look, (Y,N) is a talented guy. He'll be fine." I said before the room started to get colder.

"DID YOU NOT JUST HEAR HIM!? HE GOT THE SHIT BEATEN OUT OF HIM BY BANE! AND THAT ORANGE HAIRED BITCH DIDN'T EVEN-" She began to say before I punched her in the cheek. She fell over and the room temperature rose again.

"Relax. I don't need you to sit here and freeze everyone because you're having another one of your tantrums that drove him away in the first place." I told her before looking around at the shocked patrons of the restaurant. Frost slowly got up to her feet and looked at me defeated. Now that she's on our side she just looks pathetic. "Everything's fine. She's going through a break up." I said before looking At Frost. "(Y,N) obviously isn't ready to talk to you yet and you're in no condition to talk to him anyways. Let's just forget about it for now and try to enjoy the rest of the night?" Frost sighed before silence ensued. Finally Frost spoke again.

"...How long do you think it will take to get to Gotham and find Bane?"

DC Girls X Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora