Issue 22: Assault on Arkham Part 14: Escape From Arkham Part 1

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Your POV

"Jason!? What the hell are you do-" I was caught off by Artemis grabbing me by the throat.

"We'll ask the questions here." She told me.

"Something... tells me... you're upset." I was able to choke out.

"You're in no position to play the smart ass right now." She said.

"Jeez, And you say I'm a wannabe Batman." Jason said.

"Shut it, Not-Batman." She replied.

"Leave him alone, Not-Wonder Woman." I said.

"I didn't say you could talk, Not-Deadshot."

"Bizarro feel left out."

"Quiet, Not-Superman!" We all told Bizarro.

"Okay, first question: why are you working with these scumbags and why shouldn't I kill them?" Jason said pointing his guns at Caitlyn and Livewire. They were both too weak to use there powers so I was gonna need to use my speaking skills to stop him from killing them. Too bad Artemis was crushing my throat.

"What!?" Artemis said throwing me to the side. "I thought we agreed that the first thing we were going to ask him was where the hell has he been the last couple of months!?"

"I changed my mind when I saw him with Killer Frost." Jason said.

"Nice to see my reputation proceeds me." Caitlyn muttered before Jason fired a bullet that just passed her.

"You realize I could throw you off this ledge to your death, right?" Artemis asked him.

"Is death supposed to scare me?"

"Okay! If this is gonna turn into another rant about how Jason died, let me cut in right now! I can answer both of your questions with one story!" I said getting up.

"A few months ago I was trying to kill the mayor of Gotham when Bats, Robin, and Batgirl tried to arrest me. They almost had me when Frost, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, and my dad who had been missing for the months prior 'rescued me'. They actually took me to some secret base called Bell Reeve where they put me in this secret ops thing, Task Force X. Now I know what you're thinking: 'Asshole! Didn't you say you weren't a team player!?' I wasn't. They forced me to join by putting a bomb in my brain. I became friends with all of the other members who are all criminals but we got sent on this mission to get this USB from Riddler. During it we found out Riddler and Livewire- that's her- could get the bombs out of our heads, which Riddler is doing to the rest right now. So in short: I was KIDNAPPED for the past few months and I would appreciate it if you didn't kill my best f-" I could sense Jason glaring at me through his helmet. "My second be-" I saw Artemis death staring me again after expression grew softer during my story. "My...fourth?" I said looking at Bizarro would stayed in his vacant stare. "Fourth. Fourth best friend, Caitlyn or my other friends in there. In fact, I could really appreciate it if you could get us the hell out of here because if we stick around, Actual-Batman and Actual-Wonder Woman are gonna throw us back in jail where Waller is just gonna put the bombs in our heads again." I said.

"I guess trying to save your friends is a noble thing for a mortal like you to do, even if they are criminals." Artemis said.

"Thanks Artemis, definitely glad I chose you as my second best friend and not Caitlyn." I said sarcastically.

"Don't push it." She told me.

"I'll help. But I'm not gonna like it." Jason said.

"Bizarro am just happy that Ghost Man is alive." Bizarro said.

"What do you want us to do?" Artemis asked.

"I need you guys to make sure actual Batman and actual Wonder Woman don't find us while we try to get out." I said. "And I promise I'll actually be around to stay in contact with you guys." I told them. "And Bizarro? Big guy? Can you fly my friends from over there back to me?" I asked him. He nodded his head excitedly.

"I'll see you later, buddy." Jason said patting me on the back. "And so help me if one of these 'Task Force X' guys are Joker clowns I'll never forgive you." He added. Uh oh. I laughed it off.

"Glad to have you back." I told him. I looked at Artemis who had her arms folded.

"...It's good to have you back... too." She said looking away. I smirked at her underneath my mask. As she and Jason walked away she looked at Caitlyn and did a "Im watching you" gesture. Bizarro flew over to the infirmary and after he did Caitlyn and Livewire looked at me.

"WHO THE HELL WERE THEY!?" Caitlyn asked me.

"I swear I've told you about them before." I said. "Anyway, Red Hood, or Jason, Artemis, and Bizarro were my only friends Pre-Suicide Squad. The League calls them the Dark Trinity even thought I'm an unofficial fourth member. Jason just likes to call them by his name for his last 'not team' with Starfire and Arsenal: The Red Hood and the Outlaws."


"Well, yeah." I said. After I did I heard footsteps coming towards us. I aimed my working wrist cannon at him but it was just Deadshot. "Oh. It's you." I said.

"Where's the rest of the team?" He asked me.

"They're in the infirmary getting the bombs removed." I said.


"Oh. That's right. You still have a bomb in your head, huh? Guess Waller's gonna blow you up. I'll make sure Zoe's fine... wait, did I say make sure Zoe's fine?" I said before shooting him in the chest repeatedly.

"(Y,N) WHAT THE HELL!? THAT WAS YOUR DAD!" Caitlyn shouted.

"I meant to say make sure Robin dies." I said finishing my sentence. "Question is how the hell did you get those pointy ears into the helmet?" I asked him. He took off the helmet to reveal the cowl. "WAIT NO DON'T ANSWER TH-"

"I'm Batman!" He said before shooting a net to trap Livewire and Caitlyn before pouncing onto me.

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