Author's Note

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Any long term fan of me knows I absolutely HATE fan fiction. The only times I've ever done it in the past was to build up my followers but I hate the idea of having other people's characters that I have to keep their established personalities that I can't really change or modify, because in my opinion, people read fan fictions to read about the character, not the oc of yourself that gave the actual character's name to or a cliche (for example: Pacifica from Gravity Falls, there's no need to make her not a bitch besides to make you feel like you're actually writing about yourself). But I've noticed a real lack of DC x Male Reader stories on here except for three (one of them being my all time favorite story on here by DiscipulosChristi until he accidentally deleted it and you'll see a couple of ideas from that book in this one). So I thought if I was able to do the same and inspire people to make more original characters x Male Reader  stories (Fun Fact: I also kinda hate fan fictions because the characters aren't by the author and they don't get very creative), I'd be able to inspire some more people to make some DC stories. And I'm only writing these because I know how to write D.C. Characters and their personalities are super easy for me to play off of (example: The Red Hood story). That being said, I'm only putting in girls I know how to write, so unfortunately: no Huntress, Zantana, Starfire, Grail, Star Sapphire or Wonder Woman. (At the same time I'm reading Justice League vs Suicide Squad and Teen Titans Judas Contract right now, so those could change at some point). Also, I'm going to be doing these like DC Rebirth Comics where a new part is gonna come out every other Sunday (or every Sunday if I have a lot of fun with this), but the slow updates also mean longer chapters so, y'know. There's also gonna be a Red Hood Style Vote for this. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy

                                    -Kurt the Cretin

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