Issue #36: Team Bonding Activities Part 2: Shocking Revelation

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"...Hey, so have I mentioned I'm kinda afraid of clowns because I'm kinda afraid of clowns." I said noticing the face painted freaks that seemed to be at every corner.

"Pfft, don't be a baby." Barbara said leaning against me. "If he shows up you don't have to worry... I'll protect you~." She said before whispering "I'm Batgirl..."

"Yeah, maybe this wasn't such a good idea." Kara said while making Barbara stand on her own two feet again.

"H-Hey, (Y,N)! Can you win me something?" Barbara asked me.

"I probably could, but the real question is 'do I want to?'" I said.

"Oh, don't be a dick~."

"I'd need stupider hair."

"If we're not gonna do anything we should leave and get Barbara away from you as soon as possible." Kara said.

"Oh what? Are you jealous?" Barbara asked.

"No, I'm your friend and I don't want you to get frozen and then have your lady bits ripped off." Kara said.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I'm not afraid of her!"

"You should be." I said with wide eyes thinking about the stuff Caitlin would do if she hears Barbara was hitting on me so much. "Listen, if it'll shut you up I'll win you something from that milk bottle game over there." I told Barbara. We walked over and looked at the prizes.

"Oh! I want that one! The Batman One!"

"...He has his eyes x'd out, his tongue out, and there's a red liquid oozing from his neck."

"Well we all have days where we want to punch our boss in the face!"

"Alright, fair enough." I said before giving the carnie my money.

"Good luck, kid. I've been Runnin' this booth for fifteen years and ain't nobody ever knocked down these-" The carnie began to say before I quickly pulled out my secret pistol and shot the bottom of the glass with a flaming bullet.

"Woah! (Y,N), What the Heck!?" Kara shouted as Batgirl repeatedly went "woah!" I pulled out a second pistol and shot one of my newly made ice bullets at the flames. Ice quickly formed above the flames before the fire melted it and the water, in turn, put out the fires. A dried up White liquid peeled off the burnt table.

"I played these a lot as a kid." I said. "One of the carnies told me that they were glued to the table. Hey, can I use my guns or do you want me to use the balls?"


"I'll just use the balls. I'm trying to clean up my act." I said grabbing one of the balls and throwing it perfectly at the bottles. Since all of the were sill glued except for the bottom ones they all fell over and shattered. "Wow! Couldn't even get the gimmicked ones, huh? Anyway, I'll take the Batman plushie." I said. The carnie shakily reached up for the toy and gave it to me before running away. "Here." I said disinterestedly giving it to Barbara.

"That was... pretty cool." Kara said in amazement.

"Yeah, it was~." Barbara said.

"How'd you know about the glue?" Kara asked.

"What, you're telling me you've never been scammed at a carnival?" I asked.

"Nope. I guess they're different in Smallville. Clark would take me every now and then when I was a kid." After Kara said that, an announcement came into the intercoms posted all over the carnival.


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