Issue #37: Team Bonding Activities Part 3: Turncoat, Killer, Liar, Thief!(?)

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"Long time no see! I see you got out of Arkham alive!" Livewire said.

"Yeah, barely." I said. "I literally had to be saved by The Flash of all people."

"You sound pretty annoyed about it despite wearing a Flash shirt." She said. "Now if you'll excuse me-" Livewire said before zapping over to a microphone. "Alright, babies, listen up! This is a stick up! All of you who ain't already scammed out of your pants will be giving all of your cash to me! Try to run and everyone gets a jolt so large that all your brains turn to mush! No funny business, either! I have a very short fuse..." She ordered everyone. I knew she was bluffing about that part. She could probably only kill five people at most considering she almost died getting the bombs out of Caitlin and I's heads. "Oh, and you?" She looked back at me.

"Yeah?" I asked before she sent an electric bolt at me, making me fall out of the seat.

"Wanna explain what you're doing hanging out with Batgirl and Supergirl? Cheating on Frosty?"

"Wait, you know- Ugh- who they are?" I asked.

"Are you kiddin'? Babysupes doesn't wear a mask and I doubt all of her friends happen to be red haired chicks with black lipstick."

"Well, remember when I said that I barely survived? Apparently future Caitlin made a deal and traded my life for us joining the Justice League against my will."

"So what? They've got a bomb in your brain, too?"


"Because I coulda just zapped it outta your head again if that was the case. But if it's not, then just quit now and help me get a shit ton of moolah!" I began to stand back up.

"And what about Superman and Batman and-"

"Everyone else you, me, and Frosty took down in Arkham? I'm sure we'll be fine if we stick together."

"Well... when you put it like that..." I said staring at Supergirl starting to get back up to her feet. She looked up at me and Livewire. She noticed neither of us were attacking each other. "Being a goody two shoes was never gonna work with me, anyway." I said with a smirk. Kara's eyes widened before she flew over to me and grabbed me before flying upwards.

"(Y,N), what are you doing!?" She asked.

"I'm conning her! I'm not actually joining her!" I said as we were above the clouds.

"How do I know you're not lying to me right now!?"

"Because if I really wanted to become a villain, I'd shoot you point blank with a kryptonite bullet!"

"You don't have-" I pulled out my Pistols from earlier.

"I've got 5 different types of bullets in this thing. The green one is kryptonite." I said. "Also, shows what you know about me. I'm not a villain. I just kill those who deserve it. I don't do petty robberies. Or kill civilians." I said with disgust that Kara actually believed I turned on them.

"Oh. I'm s-"

"Save it." I said. "But I'm not fighting Livewire without all of my gear. In fact I'm not planning on fighting her at all but she's also not going to go down quietly. Get Barbara out of there, then fly up to the Watchtower and get my shit from Caitlin."

"Okay... but what do we do about the fact we aren't fighting up here? Livewire will no something's up if we just both land down."

"Then pretend I have kryptonite on me and slam down into the ground. Crawl away with 'the last of your strength' and get the stuff."

"Okay." She said before suddenly flying down to the ground faster than a... Y'know.

"WAIT I NEED TIME TO PREPARE MYSELF!" I shouted before we slammed into the ground. I rolled off of Kara and Livewire zapped over to me.

"Are you alright!?" She asked with genuine concern in her voice.

"Yep." I said holding the back of my head. I looked at Kara crawling away from us. "That's why I always keep a spare shard of kryptonite on me. Go ahead and tell your cousin. We'll gladly take him down too." I said with a grin.

"Ohoho! Taking on Supes, too are we? You're Bad~..." Livewire said pressing herself against my back. Kara then jetted away with Batgirl and left the frightened citizens with me and Livewire.

"*ahem*... You know Killer Frost is still my girlfriend, right?" I said. Livewire hesitated before getting off my back.

"Oh, y-yeah yeah, I figured." She said. We stood awkwardly in silence for a few seconds before she looked at the civilians. "HEY! THERE'S AN EXTREME LACK OF GREEN BEING THROWN AT ME RIGHT NOW!" She barked. People then started emptying their pockets while panicking.

"So, I see you got a haircut since Arkham." I said. Her long hair from Arkham had now been turned into shorter hair, almost in the style of a mohawk, but wider than the average one.

"Yeah. The longer stuff made me feel too girly, ya know?"

"Uh Huh. I also see you've changed up the costume." I said putting my finger up against her leathery suit. "Rumor around my school was your old suit wasn't made out of real clothes. It was a bunch of ionized items or something that you created to cover your lady parts." I told her.

"Wow, sounds like the pervs at your school were also the smart nerds." She chuckled. "I thought it was time for a new look. I didn't mind the idea that I was walking around naked all the time before, though. But it also didn't get me off either." She said with a smirk. Then she snapped back to reality. "Sorry, TMI."

"No problem, Leslie."

"Leslie, huh? Ain't heard that name in a while..." She said before her eyes widened. "Holy shit, I don't even know your name!"

"Well it's-" I began to say before I felt something hit me in the side of the head making me fall to the ground with blurry eye sight. "Ow! What the hell was that!?" I asked as everything moved around me.

"That was the beginning of your beatdown." A familiar dickish voice said. I looked over at me attacker with foggy eyes and glared at him.

"Pretending to be a Villain or not, I'm going to fucking kill you." I muttered under my breath to Nightwing.

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