Liam only rolls his eyes while a deep chuckle escapes. I was wrong to think that he couldn't get more attractive.

10 minutes go by as we listen to One Direction hits, much to Liam's dismay. We finally turn into a massive driveway that is guarded by a huge wall and an even larger gate.

Liam quickly puts in the password and the large gate swings open. As we drive in I can't help but admire the layout of the driveway. It's probably the size of my house. Rich much. I don't think I've ever seen grass that green. There are a lot of trees blocking my view from the house but as soon as we drive past the trees the house - no mansion comes to my view.

The mansion is covered in white bricks and a large wooden front door. You can see that the windows of the house is bullet proof because it's glass is a shade darker than normal windows.

That's the point of a safe house genuis. I guess being a gang leader has its own perks.

A few cars are parked in front of the house. When we get out we are greeted by a few people dressed in formal attire. By the looks of it I'm assuming they are the help.

Seriously, how rich can this guy be. This is a safe house for crying out loud.

Looking back at the scenery in front of me I'm once again blown away. In seriously considering joining a gang if this is the luxury that comes with it. My thoughts about joining a gang quickly gets replaced by disgust when I think about how they manage to have so much money. Drugs, prostitution, other illegal stuff.

" Come on." Liam gently places his hand on my lower back and walks me over to the front door. Inside we are greeted by yet more staff. I'm seriously getting pissed off now.

" Liam, please enlighten me as to why I had to leave a girl's house to come here."

I turn to my left to see Chase walking out of what I assume is a kitchen. He has a half eaten sandwich in his right hand and a soda in the other. That sandwich really looks good.

" It's The Snakes." Liam replies shortly.

Chase looks confused.

Wow. Liam should really learn to not split his sentences.

" They found out about Everly and now they want her dead." he explains casually as if this is an everyday matter. Well considering from what I know about being a gang leader, this probably is a very normal matter for them.

I don't think I'll ever get used to this.

The room goes silent. The rest of Liam's inner circle walks into the conversation.

" So what. Now we are supposed to give up our safety just for a girl?" Chase looks annoyed as he points out his dislike towards me.

That actually hurt me. But he's right I guess. I am just a girl. A girl who always ends up in trouble and because of that I'll probably end up dead. I don't want any harm to anyone's safety.

" Excuse me." I say and turn around to go back outside again.

I know Liam cares for me. Hell, I don't even know why he cares for me? I haven't done any good on this planet. All I've been doing is wasting people's time and putting them in danger because of that.

I inhale the air as I step outside. I feel my eyes tear up but I promised myself that I'm done crying. Crying is just a way to show how weak you are.

My hand drifts to my belly and I look down at it.

" It's going to be okay Chicka."

I hold back another tear as one of them managed to escape.

" Everly." I hear Liam's voice that's laced with concern.

My head snaps back to Liam's.

" I'm sorry about Chase. He's just-" he begins to explain but I put up my hand to stop him from continuing.

" It's okay Liam." I say with a polite smile. Well almost.

" I just have to go talk to the rest of the them about what's going to happen. Just hang around here and make yourself at home." he suggest as he slowly starts to retreat when he hears voices being raised inside of the house.

I nod my head and Liam dissappears back into the house.

What have I gotten myself into? A few months ago my biggest worry was to find an identical pair of socks and now it's trying to stay alive.

I brush away a stray of hair that has managed to escape my messy bun. Looking up at the sky I see that it's getting dark.

I hear yelling coming from inside the house. I can clearly hear it's Liam and Chase that are arguing over me.

I'm not just going to stand here and try to cope with what's going on. I don't think I've ever felt this unwanted in my life besides getting kicked out of my own house.

I just can't take it anymore.

Me being the stupid and dumb Everly that I am start walking over to Liam's car. The keys are on the driver's seat.

I climb into the car. Oh I'm going to regret this.

I start the engine and speed off past the gate guard and into the streets off to who knows where.

I'm done feeling unwanted.

I'm done having to put up with everyone's shit.

I'm done feeling helpless over my own body.

I'm done being someone's puppet.

I'm just so over it.


A/N!!!! (21/07/2021)

I have received a lot of hate on Everly's actions in this chapter but please let me explain for those who are upset.

* Yes I understand that's its not the best choice to run away from safety when a gang is trying to hunt you down.

* But remeber Everly has been bossed around her WHOLE life and barley as any control over what is happening.

* if you were in Everly's position with the knowledge that someone is trying to kill you then you would also panic and not think clearly. This is Everly not thinking clearly and trying to run away. It's normal for people to run away from their problems instead of facing them.

* and if you were hated by one of the strongest mafia's inner circle then I'm sure as hell you wouldn't feel safe while staying with them under the same roof.

So yeah just keep in mind that a lot of things are effecting Everly's behavior.

Stay safe!

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