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Sarah's POV

"Love, you need to meet him." There my Nan was again.

"Why the hell do I need to meet him, it's not like he bothered with me anyway! You told me he knew about me! But where was he? Huh?"

"He didn't know sweetie, I thought he did. I was wrong. From what I know he is a great guy, he's a doctor too. Just please meet him"

There were many reasons I didn't want to meet my dad, one being how scared I was of being rejected, but I agreed to it anyway.

"Fine, I'll call him" I said with a sigh.

"Thank you, love" my nan said with a smile and left the room.

I had been given his number previously, Lucy messaged it to me. It was quite strange really. We lived quite close together but we never noticed an identical person to ourselves when we were in public.

I looked at the saved contact in my phone. The dull screen mocking my glare. The words in the contact seemed so foreign to me, my dad obviously not being a prominent role in my life. Which wasn't really his fault but I needed someone to blame and I can't blame my mum, she's dead, and I can't blame my nan, she's old, so he is the only one left by default. It was a bit stupid but I couldn't help it. I wasn't expecting this all to explode.

I pressed the green button on the phone and it began to ring.

"Hello? This is Daniel James Howell-Lester speaking" the man, my dad said with an upbeat tone.

I gulped, " it's Sarah here, your daughter, hoping I have the right number that is"

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