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Phil's POV

It felt like nothing had changed. Other than the fact I could walk again after a bit of physio. It didn't change me, it changed how easily I could do things.

Everything was a bit hectic at the house. Lucy was due in two weeks ish, so we've all been prepping for the baby. I still thought about having a kid that was truly mine and Dan's kid but I didn't let it bother me too much. He must be so stressed with me and Lucy and himself and work. I didn't want to make it worse by bringing it up.

It would be nice though.

"Dad! Pa! Someone!" I heard being screamed from upstairs.

"Yeah? You okay?"

"Get me to the hospital, I think I'm going into labour!"

Oh shit.

I ran up the stairs to Lucy and helped her down the stairs.

"I have a bag ready, at my house... ring Jake"

"Okay... Dan! Ring Jake and meet me in the car"

"Can we please hurry up please?" Lucy snapped.

I just nodded and gulped, which made her giggle.

"It will be okay sweetie, you are so strong" I kissed her on the head and closed the car door as I slid in the passenger seat. Dan came in and sat the drivers seat.

I still struggled to drive or go in cars after the accident all those years ago but it wasn't as bad.

"Let's-a-go" Dan said in a mario voice and Lucy laughed and then screamed in pain.

"Looks painful"

"Yeah, just a bit painful when a watermelon sized human is gonna come out of my vagina which is like the size of a pea. So yeah, a little bit"

"Sorry" Dan replied.

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