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Dan's POV

*time jump to the night*

I lay next to Phil as we both looked at the other.

"You know, I'm so glad Lucy goes to bed on her own now and she sleeps the whole time" Phil stated.

"Me too" I laughed. "You know" I added, "I still haven't told my parents about today" I said while fiddling with my ring that lay on my ring finger.

"There's no rush" Phil said as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck repeatedly.

Oh my fucking god.

"Phil" I moaned, "Jesus Christ" I blurted out seeming out of breath.

Phil stopped for a second and laughed slightly before placing his soft lips on mine and turning himself round so he was straddling me.

I sat up slightly and deepened the kiss.

*you can imagine what happened I don't wanna write it. Ps Phil tops in my opinion*

*next day*

I woke up to Phil shaking me. "We are up late sleepyhead"

I yawned and put my arms out to get Phil to pull me out of bed and he did, great FIANCÉ material there.

As I stood up I had a flood of pain, in a certain area. Yeah, I forgot about that...

I must have winced. "You good?" Phil asked.

"Glorious" I smiled, "I just hope I don't have to stand a lot today" I laughed and Phil joined in. "But to be fair sitting doesn't help either so I'm going to become a blobfish and just be a massive puddle" I wasn't joking but Phil laughed anyway. I must be hilarious the amount he laughs at me.

"Race you to Lucy" Phil said as he ran out of the room. This was a sport we do everyday. I usually win but on days like this he took advantage of his power. I sped walked but still hobbled to Lucy's bedroom and hit Phil on the arm playfully. "Not fair you meanie!" I laughed.

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