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Phil's POV

I was stood outside Dan's car with this little cutie in my arms.

The car. Not the car but it's still a car.

Lucy is adorable, her little smile is the sweetest.

Pj. Blood. Glass. so much blood.

"Dan!" I yelled, " get...Luc-"

I saw blackness but for a second I felt Dan's hands grab hold of me with Lucy between us. Then I was out of it.

Dan's POV

I heard Phil shout. So I turned and he was very pale and was clearly about to faint.

Fuck. Lucy. Shit. Phil.

I grabbed hold of Phil trying not to hurt him and pulled him into me. Lucy was between us, but she was fine. Phil, however, was unconscious. And in my arms. Maybe if I calm down his subconscious, that would help?

"Phil , come on, it's okay. Just relax. You are okay..." I whispered in his ear.

A few moments later his eyes fluttered open.

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